
即使虽然的英文怎么说 as翻译是什么怎么使用

即使虽然的英文怎么说 as翻译是什么怎么使用


1. as 作为“虽然、尽管”含义的as,必须使用倒装结构。

eg: Pretty as she is, no one likes her.她很美丽,但没人喜欢她。

2. much as “虽然、尽管”;相当于although,专四常考

eg: Much as I hate to go, it‘s now or never.虽然我很讨厌去,但也就此一回了。

3. as much as 是美国英语,“虽然、尽管”,引导让步从句。

eg: As much as he likes the girl, he never wants to marry her. 尽管他很喜欢这个女孩,但他从不想娶她。

4. although 尽管 可放在句首或句中,不能在句末,不与but连用.

5. though 尽管.可以放在句首,句中,句末,不与but 连用.


6. in spite of 尽管 介词短语

eg: In spite of his illness, he still went to school as usual.尽管生病了,他还是像往常一样上学.

7. despite 介词,相当于in spite of结构。尽管,虽然,不顾

eg: Despite the night life, I would prefer living in the country. 尽管夜生活不错,我宁愿住在乡下

8. regardless of 意思是“不顾”、“不管” “虽然”、“不注意”。介词短语,相当于despite。通常当作从属连词短语来使用.

eg: All should be treated equally regardless of social status. 人不分贵贱。

9. even if= even though 即使;尽管. 似乎把even if记成“即使、即便”更好, even though的语气更强

eg: Even though/Even if skiing is a lot of fun, I rather go to the beach. 虽然滑雪很有趣,我还是宁愿去海边。

10. while 尽管,多用于句首——高考必会

eg: While he has many good points,Tom has his shortcomings.虽然汤姆有许多优点,但也有缺点.

11. whereas 但是,却;尽管,一般可以和while互换

eg: Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.有一些研究结果令人满意,然而其他的则不然。

12.whilst 虽然;尽管,连词,相当于while

eg: Whilst smoking can help you lose weight ,it is not a healthy way. 虽然吸烟可以帮助你减肥,但它不是一个健康的方式。

13. however (与形容词或副词连用)无论到什么程度;不管怎样;无论如何;然而;不过;

eg: She has the window open, however cold it is outside.不管外面多冷,她都开着窗户。

14. after 介词,相当于in spite of,尽管

eg: After all my care,it was broken.尽管我全力照看,可它还是坏了.

15. nevertheless, 尽管如此; 不过; 然而;

eg:I know everybody hates him. Nevertheless, I have decided to marry him.我知道大家都恨他。尽管如此,我还是要嫁给他。

16. notwithstanding“虽然、尽管”,有时也放在代/名词之后、常用于出现不利情况

eg:The bad weather notwithstanding, the event was a great success.尽管天气恶劣,活动还是取得了巨大的成功。

17.for all (that) 虽然;尽管,后接短语或从句

eg:For all we know, he may even not be in this country 说不定他或许都已不在这个国家了。

18.with all 尽管,相当于in spite of结构。

eg:With all his money, he is unhappy. 尽管他有钱,但他并不快乐。

19. not but that 尽管,虽然;然而还是

20. not but what 尽管,虽然;然而还是


eg:I cannot do it not but that a stronger might.


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