
恒大英文怎么说 property firm中文翻译是什么意思

恒大英文怎么说 property firm中文翻译是什么意思

Evergrande 恒大

The most prominent red flag 最明显的危险信号

debt-ridden 负债累累

property firm房地产公司

related-party transactions关联交易

crackdown on 打击

insider dealing 内幕交易

lax corporate governance松懈的公司治理

pose threats to 对xx造成威胁

HNA Group 海航集团

shadow-banking 影子银行

joint-stock banks 股份制银行

attributed to 归因于

arouse the concern of XX 引起XX的担忧

expedite reform 加快改革

disclose information 披露信息

privately held/owned banks 私有银行

That could have economic consequences带来经济后果

liken xxx to xx 将xx比作xx

deregulation 放松管制

laxlending controls宽松的放贷管控

hurtregional economic growth不利于经济增长

allocating economic resources 分配经济资源

an upheaval across the industry全行业的剧变

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