
领事认证英文怎么翻译 申请材料申请材料有哪些用英语怎么表达

领事认证英文怎么翻译 申请材料申请材料有哪些用英语怎么表达

The Chinese Consulate in Sydney handles consular certification, which is an activity to confirm the seals and signatures of the Australian Ministry of foreign affairs and trade or its offices in various states and territories on the documents applying for consular certification.


1.Who can apply for consular certification ?


Chinese and foreign citizens and enterprises in Australia can apply for certification according to regulations.


2.what are the application documents?


(1)Application form for consular certification filled in and signed by the applicant or the company‘s legal representative


(2)For personal document authentication, the original passport of the party concerned shall be presented and a copy of the passport information page (with photo page) shall be attached. Chinese citizens shall also present a copy of the valid visa for Australia; If the party concerned entrusts another person to handle it, the agent shall submit the original and copy of the agent‘s passport or driver‘s license and the copy of the party‘s passport.


If the agency handles the document certification of the company, it is necessary to provide the company registration certificate containing the information of the company‘s legal representative, extract and the copy of the passport of the legal representative. The agent shall provide the original and copy of passport or driver‘s license.


(3)An original document certified by the Australian Department of foreign affairs and trade or its local offices


(4)Other documents



1.The certificate of marital status and the certificate of no criminal record shall be valid for 6 months from the date of issuance. The applicant must complete the certification of the Australian Ministry of foreign affairs and trade (including its local offices) and the re-certification of the Chinese Embassy and consulate in Australia within the period of validity.


2.All kinds of documents sent to Hong Kong and Macao SAR of China for use can be used directly without further certification if they have gone through apostille (additional certificate) in the Australian Ministry of foreign affairs and trade or its offices in various states and territories.


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