
猜猜的英文怎么读 猜测用英语怎么说怎么表达

猜猜的英文怎么读 猜测用英语怎么说怎么表达


如果我们不知道他人在未来会做什么或对一件事情将做出什么反应,那我们只能猜测。单词 “second-guess” 正用来表达这个意思。听主持人 Neil 和菲菲的对话,学习如何使用 “second-guess”。


FeifeiHello and welcome to Authentic Real English. 欢迎收听 “地道英语” 节目。我是冯菲菲。

Neil… and I’m Neil. Hey, Feifei. I have a little guessing game for you.

FeifeiWell, I like games, but is this the right time to be playing games? We’re presenting a programme.

NeilThis game is about the programme! You need to guess what today’s piece of authentic real English is.

FeifeiDo I get any clues?


FeifeiOh, come on! You want me to second-guess what the expression is?

NeilNo, just one guess – not a second guess.

Feifei你听错了,我不是这个意思。我刚才说 “you want me to second-guess what the expression is”,意思是 “你想让我猜一猜这期节目中要教给大家的表达是什么”。“Second-guess” 的意思是 “试图提前猜测某人会做什么”,我们多用 “second-guess” 来指 “去揣测他人的意图”。Neil, is ‘second-guess’ the expression you wanted me to guess?

NeilNo, but it’s a good one. Could we hear some more examples of it, please?

FeifeiOf course. You don’t need to second-guess our examples.

ExamplesAs the weather is so unpredictable, we have to second-guess what customers will be eating in our cafe.

I had to second-guess what my manager was planning and make my own decisions.

There’s no point second-guessing the score. Both teams are playing really well.

Feifei你正在收听的是 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。我们正在一起学习如何用 “second-guess” 来表示 “猜测,预言”。So, there’s a new expression for you, Neil. Do you still want to play your guessing game?

NeilYeah, go on – it’ll be fun.

FeifeiIs the answer ‘a wild guess’?

NeilYes! Amazing. Right first time. A wild guess is a guess based on no knowledge. But, how did you know the answer so easily?

FeifeiI second-guessed you – but it was an easy guess! Now, guess what?


FeifeiIt’s the end of the programme. Time to go!

NeilI guess so!

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