
目前没有的英文单词怎么说 精美例句翻译汇总推荐

目前没有的英文单词怎么说 精美例句翻译汇总推荐

Hey. So what‘s the word on Tim? He came through the triple bypass with flying colors.

Tim 怎么样啦?他心脏搭桥三根手术很成功。

with flying colours出色地,成功地

例句:So I wish you all to pass your IELTS exam with flying colors.所以,我祝愿大家在雅思考试中都以优异的成绩通过。

word on xx有关xx的消息

例句:There is no word onwhen talks will resume.目前并没有消息表明和谈何时重启。Detective, any word onwhether they found Walt?探长,你们知道沃特的下落吗?

come through活下来,挺过来

例句:It’s been a tough time, but I’m sure you’ll come throughand be all the wiser for it.


It’s been a very upsetting time but we’ve come throughit together.


be coming up roses顺风顺水,一切顺利

例句:For Emily, everythingis coming up rosesboth in her home and her working life.对于Emily来说,家庭事业都蒸蒸日上。

step up担起责任;增加;提升

It‘s time to step upand be a man.


Still, the U.S. is stepping up pressure.


Many females stepped upand onto center stage this year.今年,很多女性站在了舞台中央。

take the ball (and run with it)接手做XX

英文释义:to continue an activity or process that someone else has started, often when that person could not finish it or make it work(尤指在他人不能完成時)接手做某事例句:We had a very vague idea of what they wanted, but the marketing team just took the ball and ran with it.我们尚不清楚他们想要什么,市场人员就接过手干了。

go after追赶 (某人), 跟在(某人)后面, 追捕(某人)

英文释义:to follow a person or animal quickly in order to catch them例句:You’d better go after her and tell her you’re sorry.


an in-house position内部选拔岗位

I told you that is an in-house position.


shrinking violet极其害羞的人

英文释义:an exaggeratedly shy person例句:

He‘s no shrinking violetwhen it comes to competition.但凡和竞赛有关,他都会展露锋芒。

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