
外语水平能力大赛 英语翻译大赛题库汇总推荐

外语水平能力大赛 英语翻译大赛题库汇总推荐



1.This is (他的衬衫)

2.Lucy is to the baby.(读故事)

3.Winter is my .(最喜欢的季节)

4.Mike runs for every day.(30分钟)

5.It‘s warm here.You can your coal.(脱下)

6.There is on the lake.(一艘小船)

7.My cousin can speak and very well.(英语;日语)

8.The post office is the park and the .(在……之间;图书馆)

9.Mike likes having some milk the .(在早上)

10.It‘s going to rain.You‘d better take (你的雨伞)

二、按照要求完成下列句子(每空一词)。(10分)11.Can you draw a fish? (作肯定回答)

,I .

12.My uncle will drive to work this afternoon.(改为否定句)

My uncle to work this afternoon.

13.His grandpa likes to have a cup of tea after dinner.(对画线部分提问)

does his grandpa to have a cup of tea?

14.The man in white is my English teacher.( 对画线部分提问)

the man in white?

15.Tim /to /will /come /my / home / soon (.) (连词成句)

16.Did you see a film yesterday? (作否定回答)

,I .

17.He can help his father fix the bike.(改为一般疑问句)

he his father fix the bike?

18.My dress is red and yellow.(对画线部分提问)is red and yellow?

19.L picked up a bag in the playground yesterday.(对画线部分提问)

you pick up a bag yesterday?

20.my /fiends/Beijing/to/going/are/train/by(.)(连词成句)


( )21.—How much are these peaches?

A.There are twenty. B.‘They‘re his.C.They‘re £5. D.They‘re sweet.( )22.Please give some water. am very thirsty.A.I;I B.me; HeC.him; You D.me; I( )23.I‘m going shopping.Can you your little sister,Bob?A.lake care B.look likeC.look after D.take a look( )24.—Is this notebook?—No.It‘s .A.my;yours B.your;Amy‘sC.your; me D.mine; yours( )25. Browns have four children.A.A B./ C.The D.This( )26.—Who‘s the girl red?—She‘s my cousin.A.with B.at C.in D.for( )27.There a pen and two rulers on the desk.A.are B.has C.be D.is( )28.It‘s time for dinner.let‘s now.A.go home B.to go homeC.going home D.go back to home( )29.—What about out for fun?—Good idea!A.go B.going C.went D.goes( )30. can help carry that box?A.Whose; her B.Whose;sheC.Who; she D.Who; her四、从四个选项中选出最恰当的一项,补全对话。(10分)( )31.你走路时不小心踩到了别人的脚,你要说: A.Thank you. B.I‘m sorry. C.Welcome! D.OK.( )32.—What are you doing,Peter?—

—Sounds interesting!A.I‘m making a birthday card.B.I like reading books.C.I came home early.D.I do my homework every day.( )33.—Where‘s my bag,Mum?—

—No,it isn‘t.A.It‘s on the chair. B.Is it under your bed?C.What is it? D.What colour is it?( )34.—I win the game!—

—Thanks a lot.A.Happy every day. B.What a fine day!C.Congratulations! D.Everything goes well.( )35.— —My leg hurts.A.How‘s the weather?B.What do you usually do after school?C.Do you like hot days?D.What‘s wrong with you?

五.从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(10分)A: Hello.My name‘s Lisa.B: Hello,I‘m Mary.Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you,too. 36.

B: I‘m thirteen. 37.

A: Twelve. 38. B: It‘s March 5th.And you?

A: 39. B: Oh,it‘s coming soon. 40. A: Yes,I do.Would you like to come?

B: Yes,I‘d love to.Thanks.

A.How old are you?B.When is your birthday?C.My birthday is October 10th.

D.What about you?E.Do you have a birthday party?



One day,Squirrel found a shiny ring by a stream.“What a (41) (beauty )bracelet(手镯),”said Squirrel.But it would not(42) (fit) over her paw.“This bracelet is too small,”said Squirrel.She put it in some leaves.

Next,Caterpillar found the ring.“What a nice belt,”said Caterpillar. But it slipped off(滑脱) his middle.“This belt is too big,”he said.He

put it in some(43) (flower).

Then Honeybee found the ring.He (44) k someone special (特别的) who would like it.Honey bee carried the ring to his hive(蜂巢) and gave it to Queen Bee.

“What a (45) 1 crown(王冠)!”Queen Bee laughed happily.She put it on her head.“It looks nice on me!”



This is a mountain rescue(救援) team.They have a helicopter(直升机).The helicopter(46) (go) very fast.It has got a computer. There (47) (be) a map and a camera in the computer.

Mark flies the helicopter.He talks on the (48)r . Andy also flies the helicopter.He reads the map and cheeks the computer.The map in he computer (49) t Mark where they are.Tammy is a(50)d . She helps people in the mountains.


The moon is very far from the earth.It isn‘t a very nice place! Plantsand animals can‘t live on the moon because there‘s no water.the moon doesn‘t make light.It reflects(反射) light from the sun. Sometimes,the sun can‘t shine on the moon.The earth is in the way. Then,it‘s very,very cold on the moon.Then,the moon moves around the earth and the sun shines on the moon. It‘s very,very hot.Very hot or very cold-that‘s the moon!根据短文内容,填写单词和短语补全句子( 每空一词)。51.There isn‘t on the moon.52.The moon reflects light from the .53.The sun can‘t shine on the moon when the iS in the way.54.It is very on the moon when the sun doesn‘t shine on it.55.The moon the earth.


A man poured (倾倒)wet cement (水泥) on the street.He wrote“Wet Cement”on some paper.He put up the sign beside the wet cement.The men went to eat lunch.A dirty dog saw the sign.Then it walked across the wet cement.A cute cat saw the sign.Then it walked across it,too.The man saw the cement.He was mad.Of course dogs and cats can‘t read.

( )56.The man made the sign to keep dogs off.

( )57.He wrote“Wet Cement”on the ground.

( )58.The man poured the cement at might.

( )59.The cat can‘t read the sign.

( )60.The main(主要的)idea of the passage is “Animals making a mess”.(B)

My name is Carl. T‘m in Class 3,Grade 6.I go to school by bike at 7:30 every day.It takes me 15 minutes to get to school.We have four classes in the morning.The first class begins at 8:00.At 11:30 have a break for an hour.I don‘t go home to we have lunch.I have lunch in the dining hall of our school.The class in the afternoon starts at 1:00.We finish school at 4:OO. After school often play football with my friends in the park. When it gets dark,I go home.(55) My school life is busy but happy.


61.What class is Carl in?

62 When does the first class begin in the morning

63.Does Carl go home to have lunch?

64.Where does Carl often go after school?

65 把画线句子译成汉语。

八、IQ test(智力测试)(5分)

( )81.What‘s the meaning of“Pride goes before a all”?

A.骄傲在下落 B.放下架子

C.骄兵必败 D.骄傲就是落后

( )82.Fill is 3 years younger than Andy.If their combined(合起来的)ages equal 25 years,how old is Andy ?

Andy is years old.

( )83.I’m full of holes,yet I hold water very well.What am I?

( )84.Find the three letters which would not look the same in a mirror.


( )85.Which one below is for measuring length?

A.A ruler. B.An eraser.

C.A computer. D.A spoon.


题目:Welcome to My Hometown


  1. 假如你是Betty,想给你的笔友John写一封信,向他介绍你家乡的四季


  1. 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范;
  2. 不少于65个单词。
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