
metaphor英文例句怎么读 英文比喻句汇总翻译推荐

metaphor英文例句怎么读 英文比喻句汇总翻译推荐

Wa,today is so cold。And you can‘t never image that I wear three trousers now。Yesterday,we have learn the Palindrome(回文).IS it interesting?Now,I write some more interesting sentences for you。



例如:as black as a coal(和煤一样黑不溜秋)

as blind as a mole(像鼹鼠一样瞎)

as busy as a bee(像蜜蜂一样勤劳)

as clear as a bell(和钟一样清晰)

as dense as a brick(和砖头一样密集)

<2本体(主语) be as 形容词 as 喻体

例如:cultivation to the mindis as necessaryasfood to the body


The muscles of his brawny armsareas strongasiron bands


As good almost kill a man,as kill a good book


<3名词A...to 名词B as/what 名词C...to 名词D

例如Readingis to the mindwhatexerciseis to the body


Intellectis to the mindwhatsightis to the body


parksare to the cityas (=what)lungsare to the body


怎么样?都学会了吗?给出了固定句式,我们只需要往里面套即可。当你写作时,用到几句高级的比喻句,会让你的分数大大提高的,希望大家今天有所收获!另外the weather is so bad that everyone remembers to take much clothes when you go out!

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