
三月三英文怎么说 用英语介绍中国传统节日文化

三月三英文怎么说 用英语介绍中国传统节日文化

637th article第637期双语推文

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

It is a Chinese tradition to perform parents‘ funerary rites with reverence and pay tribute to their ancestors. The 3 rdDay of the3 rd Lunar Month is the day to worship Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor. This year, it falls on April 14th, and the Ancestor Worship Ceremony in the Hometown of the Yellow Emperor is held as scheduled in Xinzheng, the Yellow Emperor‘s hometown. Every year, a grand festival for Chinese people to seek their roots and pay tribute to their ancestors is celebrated on this day, serving as a window to witness the rise of the Central Plains.


Yellow River Culture and Yellow Emperor Culture blend


The Yellow Emperor is our ancestor and the initiator of the Chinese civilization. Chinese history began with the Yellow Emperor, which was first recorded in the Records of the Grand Historian(Shiji ) and subsequent historical documents. This year, Zhengzhou rolls out a range of creative activities to introduce the Yellow Emperor and invite people at home and abroad to participate in the worship event. Join us to listen to stories about the Yellow Emperor, discover more about the Yellow Emperor via Weibo, and appreciate cartoon images of the Yellow Emperor.



Ma Jian

In addition, the Yellow River Culture Month, from April 14thto May 8th, will be launched jointly by nine provinces and autonomous regions along the Yellow River to showcase the Yellow River culture and the Yellow Emperor culture, the root of the Chinese culture. Other activities during the Yellow River Culture Month include the International Mayor‘s Forum on Tourism, the "Three Cities, Three Hundred Miles, and Three Thousand Years" Cultural Tourism, the Yellow River Basin Fine Arts Performance Season, the "Yellow River Culture" themed Art Salon, the China (Zhengzhou) Yellow River Chorus Week, and a Cultural Relics Exhibition from Nine Provinces along the Yellow River. Through these activities, the city aims to further enhance the global recognition of the Yellow River Culture and the Yellow Emperor Culture and improve their international visibility.


"Cute Girls of the Tang Palace" dance gaily with bamboo slips in hand


In previous years, the key visual of the ancestor worship ceremony was about bamboo slips (writing materials in ancient China) and scrolls. This year, to better exhibit our country‘s prosperity and convey such a message to our ancestor Xuanyuan Emperor, elements such as bamboo slips and scrolls are largely omitted, replaced by giant LED screens on both sides of the main stage. The LEDs give a vivid display with brand-new interpretations matching the nine rituals. Seeing these dynamic displays, all the Chinese people share a spirit of unity.


Photo: Li Yan

The first ritual is called "A Grand Salute" where on-site rites and musical performances are given instead of firing gun salutes, offering a more elegant ceremony.


Photo: Ma Jian

In the seventh ritual "Song and Dance Performances", girls of the "Tang Palace Banquet" hold bamboo slips and dance with graceful posture in the setting of the key visual, showing the prosperity of the country and the well-off life of the people to their ancestors.


Dress Up in Costumes online


The online platform for Ancestor Worship and Blessing in the Hometown of the Yellow Emperor allows Chinese people worldwide to express their eternal love for the motherland and their sincerity to worship the ancestors. This year‘s ceremony continues the online ceremony in an upgraded manner. "Dress Up in Costumes" is enriched with more contents.

网上拜祖祈福平台让身处世界各地的中华儿女可以相约在屏幕前,共赴“心灵之约”。今年的大典既持续去年网上拜祖的方式,又全新升级。尤其是针对 “穿越换装”模块深入拓展,使内容更加丰盈。

(Scan QR code 长按识别二维码 进入网上祈福平台)

The worship ritual combines traditional and stylish forms, and is more powerful to resonate with audiences.


A new window to witness the rise of the Central Plains


Innovation is a source of cultural evolution. From the "Cute Girls of the Tang Palace" which went viral on social platforms to the Xuanyuan Emperor‘s making the list of hot topics, Zhengzhou demonstrates its cultural confidence through innovation.


Ouyang Yingxin, the executive director, has been with the ceremony since 2009 and has been coming to Xinzheng, Zhengzhou every spring for the past 12 years. "I have a deep love for Zhengzhou. I‘ve seen the growing influence of the Ancestor Worship Ceremony in the Hometown of the Yellow Emperor and the dramatic changes of Zhengzhou. Happy smiles of the Zhengzhou people present at the ceremony are the best rewards for our hard work," Ouyang said.



hoto: Ma Jian

"Worshiping Xuanyuan on the 3 rdday of the3 rdlunar month", the day represents not only a grand festival for Chinese people to seek their roots and pay tribute to their ancestors, but also a window to witness the rise of the Central Plains.


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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text丨Wang Yipin

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu

Proofreader丨S. Jones (南非)


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