
秋游英文翻译怎么表达 出去游玩的英语单词怎么读

秋游英文翻译怎么表达 出去游玩的英语单词怎么读

NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.

Zhengzhou‘s high-quality development has given people a higher standard of living. Though for this year‘s National Day holiday we are recommended not to leave Zhengzhou unless necessary, we need not feel depressed; instead, we should be happy that we can slow down to fully appreciate the autumn scenery of this city. In this season, every flower and tree in Zhengzhou is alluring.


Appreciate the seasonal

beauty of the city


As the cool autumn breezes arrive, there are many entertaining places in Zhengzhou where people can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city to indulge in a lively festive atmosphere. During the National Day holiday, Zhengzhou Fantawild Resort will launch a series of themed activities. For example, Fantawild Adventure will carry out a "retro" activity to showcase how the fashion elements in the past become popular again in the present, and Fantawild Dreamland will center on happy times with parents and children, where kids can learn useful knowledge through play. During the National Day holiday, these two parks will give you a happy and rewarding trip.


Photo: Wang Xiuqing, Songye

Known as the most popular destination for children, Zhengzhou Enjoy Land offers a themed activity every season. During the National Day holiday, it will offer a mermaid show and a colourful parade, and any visitor can get a national flag sticker at the entrance. The Enjoy Snow Hotel will organize a lawn game for babies and a starlight camping party, allowing children to experience the fun of camping in the wild.


Zhengzhou Jianye & H·Brothers Movie Town has upgraded many classic plays and operas for its second anniversary. Unique Henan: Land of Drama uses immersive drama and art to tell stories about land, food and inheritance in its 21 theaters. Visitors can come here to personally experience the charm of drama culture.


Photo: Ma Jian, Fu Rui

Autumn is a good season

for climbing mountains


We need occasions that make our daily life meaningful, and we also need to appreciate our ordinary life through different seasons. The autumn of Zhengzhou likes to play hide-and-seek with us. Sometimes it hides downtown around every corner, and sometimes we can find it in the high mountains and dense forests surrounding the city.


Songshan Scenic Area is really worth visiting. Sanhuangzhai Village, Changzhu Yard of the Shaolin Temple and Pagoda Forest in the Shaolin Scenic Spot, Songyang Academy, Huishan Temple and Qimu Tower in the Songyang Scenic Spot, as well as Zhongyue Temple and Observatory in the Zhongyue Scenic Spot will all be open during the National Day holiday.


Photo: Wang Xiuqing, Su Tangshi

Autumn is a great time to go hiking in the mountains. In addition to Songshan Mountain, Fuxi Mountain is also very popular, with magnificent gorges, secluded valleys, gurgling springs, plunging waterfalls, peaks engulfed in rosy clouds, stone forests, green grass, and red leaves of autumn. Fuxi Mountain is endowed with different scenery in each of the four seasons, and is known as the "Eden of the East".


Changshou Mountain, located in eastern Gongyi‘s Zhulin Town, is an ideal place for returning to nature, setting the heart free, and releasing stress. In the autumn, Changshou Mountain is entirely covered with red leaves like a burning fire or a red cloud clinging to the mountainside.


Photo: Ma Jian

Explore the pastoral autumn

scenery of Zhengzhou


Every season has its particular beauty, which appears in the right place at the right time. Only by following the season can we find where it is most beautiful.


Autumn is the harvest season. As we walk through the Chunlong Family Farm in Yanminghu Town, we can smell the strong aroma of fresh peaches. Looking around, the plump red peaches are all over the branches, highlighted against the backdrop of the green leaves.


On the banks of the Yellow River in Liugou Village, Gaocun Township, the well-known Heyin soft-seed pomegranates are hanging on the branches. Heyin pomegranates boast plump seeds, big fruits, bright colors, and sweet juices. I believe that no one can turn it down.


Visiting the countryside around Zhengzhou during the National Day holiday is also a good choice. Outside the city center, visitors can not only enjoy the pastoral autumn scenery of Zhengzhou, but also taste the soft-seed pomegranates, hairy crabs, and red peaches that can only be harvested in this season.


Photo: Song Ye

May you fully experience the exclusive autumn beauty of this city during the National Day holiday.


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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

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Text丨Wang Yipin

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