
你在期待什么英文单词翻译 与look有关的动词短语汇总

你在期待什么英文单词翻译 与look有关的动词短语汇总

(6)look out 当心,留神

Look out!There is a car coming.(小心!有辆车过来了)

Look out!Don‘t drive the car into the gate post.(当心!别让车撞上门柱子)

(7)look for 寻找,探索

I‘m looking for my cellphone.(我在寻找我的手机)

Tom tried to look for a new job, but he couldn‘t get it.(Tom尝试寻找一个新工作,但是没有找到)

(8)look back 回首,追忆

He looked back on things with a clear conscience.(他回首往事,没有任何愧疚)

My father looks back with pride and amazement.(我父亲回首过去充满自豪和惊叹)

(9)look forward to 期待,盼望

I look forward to hearing from you.(我盼望着听到你的消息)

What do you look forward to?(你在期盼什么?)

(10)look around (四处)转转,参观

I would like to look around here.(我很愿意在这里四处转转)

Come with me and we can look around.(跟我来,咱

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