
维持用英语怎么说 唯美例句翻译

维持用英语怎么说 唯美例句翻译

"maintain" is more like keeping it in its original condition, or taking care of it well while holding it.“maintain”更偏向于保持它原来的状态,或者在拥有它的时候好好照顾它。

"Maintence" is work done to make sure that something will still function properly(repairing a car, changing a broken piece on a computer).“维护”是指确保某些东西仍然正常工作的工作(修理汽车、更换电脑上的碎片)。

  1. *"You have to maintain a healthy weight."“你必须保持健康的体重。”
  2. *"If you want to maintain a good relationship.Make sure to not argue about small things"“如果你想保持良好的关系,一定不要为小事争吵”
  3. *"I maintain my car every month"“我每个月都保养我的车”

"sustain" means to provide enough of what sb/sth needs in order to live or exist,“维持”是指为某人/某物的生存提供足够的所需

or to make sth continue for some time without becoming less.或使某事持续一段时间而不减少。

  1. *"This plant is sustained by water and sunlight." “这种植物靠水和阳光维持生长。”
  2. *"He can sustain a long conversation." “他能坚持很长时间的谈话。”
  3. *"Oil money is the only thing sustaining our economy.“石油货币是维持我们经济的唯一东西
  4. *"This food is enough to sustain us for a while"“这些食物足够我们维持一段时间”

"keep" is to hold something or make something stay with you “保持”是指拥有某物或使某物留在你身边

or to stay in a particular condition or position.或保持在某一特定条件或位置。

  1. *We huddled together to keep warm.我们挤在一起来保暖。
  2. *She had trouble keeping her balance .她保持平衡有困难。

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