
互益用英语怎么说 例句参考及简单的对话汇总

互益用英语怎么说 例句参考及简单的对话汇总

Stan回复:回答是否定的。win-win and mutual benefit的搭配不合适。win-win是形容词“共赢”,但mutual benefit是名词结构,所以win-win 缺了名词,而mutual benefit是独立的名词。也就是说“形容词 and 名词“这个结构是不成立的。

ADJ A win-win situation is certain to bring good results, sometimes for two people or groups. 双赢的

• It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.

网友问:win-win benefit and mutual benefit→win-win and mutual benefit,这样行不?


win-win和benefit不太搭配,一般说win-win cooperation, win-win results。没听说过win-win benefits,也可以说reciprocity and mutual benefit,用这个搭配来翻译互利共赢。例如:

1. Can we measure the level of reciprocity and mutual benefit present in an activity, and determine its categorization as CE or PS more implicitly? 我们能否衡量一项活动中存在的互利共赢程度,并更隐蔽地确将其归类为CE或PS?

2. I attended a Campus Compact webinar called “Examining Mutual Benefit and Reciprocity as Core Distinctions between Community Engagement and Public Service: Implications for Scholars, Practitioners, and Administrators.”我参加了一个校园契约网络研讨会,名为“将互利共赢作为社区参与和公共服务的核心区别加以审视——给学者、从业者和行政人员的启示”。

N-UNCOUNT Reciprocity is the exchange of something between people or groups of people when each person or group gives or allows something to the other. 互惠

• They said they would press for reciprocity with Greece in the issuing of visas.

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