- scorching sun
1. 骄阳似火。The sun was scorching hot.《新英汉大辞典》
2. 英国游客正在悉尼古珠海滩享受骄阳和清凉海水。British tourists enjoying the hot weather and cool water at Coogee beach in Sydney.精选例句
3. 你只有在烈日骄阳的时候才戴太阳镜?You wear your sunglasses only when it‘s sunny?article.yeeyan.org
4. 如火的骄阳烤裂了沙漠中的沙地。The blazing sun crackled the desert sand.www.websaru.net
5. 窗外雪花纷飞,我心骄阳似火。Snow outside the window, my heart is scorching.m.1juzi.com
6. 盛夏骄阳,使我昏昏欲睡。Summer sun made me sleepy.enwaimao.cn
7. 骄阳下他们耐心地站着,象一个小军营。In the blistering sun they stood patiently, like a small battalion.blog.sina.com.cn
8. 骄阳下他们耐心地站着,像一个小军营。In the blistering sun they stood patiently, like a small battalion.dict.cn
9. 午后骄阳烤得我脸孔绯红。The brutal afternoon sun scorched my face.dict.hjenglish.com
10. 不要再怕炎炎骄阳,也不要畏惧寒冬的肆虐。Fear no more the heat o ‘the sun, Nor the furious winter‘s rage.book.douban.com
11. 再耀眼的骄阳,也有落下来的时候,何况是人呢?Again the glare of the sun, also has fallen, and is a person?www.zhaichaomi.com
12. 他让马的头向着春日的骄阳,他与马的影子却落在了身后。He pushed round the horse‘s head to face the bright spring sun. Their shadows fell out of sight behind them.www.xici.net
13. 是谁给了小鸟一个温暖的家,是谁给了我们骄阳下的一片荫凉?Who gave the bird a warm home, who has given us a shade under the sun?www.tradeask.com
14. 夏日的微风,吹散了骄阳的酷炎,吹不散我们心头绵绵依恋。Gentle breeze in summer, blow away scorching sun, but can‘t blow away our attaching.blog.sina.com.cn
15. 在犹他州,受干旱困扰的鲍威尔湖的皲裂河床忍受着沙漠骄阳的炙烤。The cracked bed of Utah‘s drought-plagued Lake Powell bakes under the desert sun.article.yeeyan.org
16. 本周几千公务员在热带骄阳下到仍然营业的小型国有银行领取他们二月份的薪水。This week thousands of civil servants queued under the pitiless tropical sun to collect their February wages from the small state-owned Banks that remain open.www.ecocn.org
17. 昨日花开,我正走在夏日骄阳下,今朝月冷,分明已是秋高气爽八月天。Bloom yesterday, I was walking in the summer sun, eras on cold, clear day in August is already autumn.enwaimao.cn
18. 正在悉尼古珠海滩享受骄阳和清凉海水的英国游客不明白到底发生了什么。British tourists enjoying the hot weather and cool water at Coogee beach in Sydney couldn‘t see what all the fuss was about.english.dict.cn
19. 旧金山白天骄阳当空,夜生活热闹繁华,是个适宜于居住和旅游的好地方。With its hot sun and gay night life, San Francisco is a fine place to live in or to visit.www.0941car.cn
20. 当雨水还没淹没掉摇摇欲坠的帐篷和油布时,夏日的骄阳先把它们变成了暖房。When rain is not flooding the ramshackle tents and tarps, the summer sun turns them into hothouses.www.ecocn.org
21. 于是,我能体会到禾苗的感受,夜晚的闷热与日照的骄阳,使她更渴念雨的洗礼。So I can understand the feelings of seedlings, the night and the sun‘s scorching hot, making her even more longing rain baptism.www.tradeask.com
22. 直视骄阳是危险的,只能通过适合的日食镜、配有滤光片的望远镜或者针孔投影系统观看日食。Viewing the Sun‘s harsh light should only be done through protective equipment - proper solar glasses and solar telescopes, or through a pinhole projection system.article.yeeyan.org
23. 春光中的希望是靠汗水的浇灌去抗击夏日的骄阳,用坚定的脚步去丈量秋实的距离。The hope of spring is sweat pour out to fight the scorching sun of summer, with firmly steps to measure the distance of basalt.www.cnfla.com
24. 春光中的希望是靠汗水的浇灌去抗击夏日的骄阳,用坚定的脚步去丈量秋实的距离。The hope of spring is sweat pour out to fight the scorching sun of summer, with firmly steps to measure the distance of basalt.