- descendant
- offspring
- progeny
- posterity
- later generations
1. 我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?How can we best serve the needs of future generations?《牛津词典》
2. 后代体内含有父母亲基因图谱的混合。The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
3. 留给子孙后代的将是环境的污染与破坏。Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction.《牛津词典》
4. 一位摄影师为子孙后代摄下了这个场面。A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
5. 我常常想:后代将怎样评价我们所作出的努力。I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.《牛津词典》
6. DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)链通过后代得到复制。Strands of DNA are reproduced through succeeding generations.《牛津词典》
7. 她说如果这个世界现在不采取正确的行动,那只会把问题遗留给后代。She said if the world did not act conclusively now, it would only bequeath the problem to future generations.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
8. DNA表明,鲸鱼是河马的后代。The DNA suggests that whales are descendants of the hippopotamus.精选例句
9. 我们大多数人的后代数量大致相同。Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring.精选例句
10. 为了后代,我们应该放眼未来。We have to look towards the future, for the good of our grandchildren.《新英汉大辞典》
11. 孟山都公司认为它的专利延伸到了后代。Monsanto argues that its patents extend to later generations.精选例句
12. 我们要带头为子孙后代恢复海洋的健康。We want to lead the way in restoring the health of the ocean for future generations.精选例句
13. 杰克是她唯一的后代。Jack is her only offspring.《新英汉大辞典》
14. 为我们的子孙后代保护好环境是我们的责任。It is our duty to preserve the environment for our future generations.精选例句
15. 有没有可能是它们的后代这么小就自己谋生呢?Is that possible for the offspring to make it on their own so young?精选例句
16. 后代就是孩子。Descendants are only children.精选例句
17. 每个成功的父母的背后,都有一群让人惊奇的后代。Behind every successful parent, there is a bunch of surprised offspring.精选例句
18. 我们这些动物的后代同样也遗留下这些痕迹,包括打嗝。We descendants of these animals were left with vestiges of their history, including the hiccup.精选例句
19. 他们使从南方迁徙过来的波斯瞪羚的后代可以生存下去。They subsisted offspring migrations of Persian gazelles from the south.精选例句
20. 袋鼠雌袋鼠在植物繁殖力充足的时候生育后代是有利的。It is advantageous for a kangaroo female to produce young at a time when plant productivity is sufficient to support her offspring.精选例句
21. 这里的核心问题是生物的专利权是否延伸到这些生物的后代。The central issue in the case is whether patent rights to living things extend to the progeny of those things.精选例句
22. 为了弄清这个计划是否奏效,科学家们追踪了每只黑豹及其后代。To see whether the plan was working, scientists tracked every panther, as well as its offspring.精选例句
23. 在上周的讲座中,我们讨论了几种哺乳动物新出生的后代的特征。In last week‘s lecture, we discussed the characteristics of the newly born offspring of several mammals.精选例句
24. 这些适应机制在它们的后代进化成陆生生物时起了很好的协助作用。These adaptations served their descendant well as they invaded land.精选例句
25. 答案可能与它们以幼虫形式随着洋流漂流到新的喷气口的后代有关。The answer might involve their offspring, which in their larval form drift in the currents to colonize new vents.精选例句
26. 随着年龄的增长,这些条件可能会变,它周围的区域可能不再适合它的后代。As it ages, these conditions may change and the area around it may no longer be suitable for its offspring.精选例句
27. 然而,这种病毒对幸存的兔子后代致命性更低,多年来造成的伤害也越来越小。The virus was less deadly to the offspring of surviving rabbits, however, and it caused less and less harm over the years.精选例句
28. 当诺亚和他的家人们走出方舟时,他们所说的唯一一种语言遗传给了他们的后代。When Noah and his family stepped off the ark, they spoke a single language that was passed on to their offspring.精选例句
29. 保留家庭食谱就是保存和尊重我们的传统,这样子孙后代就可以继续加强家庭纽带。Keeping family recipes is saving and honoring our tradition so that future generations can continue to make family ties stronger.精选例句
30. 大多数只有一个基因拷贝的人——“携带者”——能够存活下来并将基因传给后代。Most people with only one copy of the gene—"carriers"—survive and pass the gene to offspring.精选例句