
套装用英语怎么说 趣句汇总

套装用英语怎么说 趣句汇总


  • suit
  • emboitement


1. 他穿着深色套装,手提黑色公文包。He wore a dark suit and carried a black attaché case.


2. 她穿了件剪裁柔和得体的套装。She wore a softly tailored suit.


3. 你能帮我从干洗店取回我的套装吗?Can you pick up my suit from the cleaner‘s?


4. 他已从某处找出了一套黑色丝绸套装。From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.


5. 我那时穿着我的花呢套装。I was wearing my tweed suit.


6. 她的黑色套装素净且昂贵。Her black suit was restrained and expensive.


7. 今天她穿了一套很搭的红色女长裤套装。Today she wore a red trouser suit that fit really well.


8. 她不穿套装,而穿着搭配协调的单件衣服。She wears coordinated separates instead of a suit.


9. 雪莉轻轻弹掉了黑色套装袖子上的一块棉绒。Shirley flicked a piece of lint from the sleeve of her black suit.


10. 她身着一身米色套装。She was wearing a cream-coloured suit.


11. 她把一身朴素的套装换成了一条有女人味的裙子。She swapped her plain suit for a girlie dress.


12. 她总是穿着完美的套装,柔和的颜色,搭配绝佳。She‘s always in perfect suits, you know, pastel colors, all matching.


13. 明星们穿着五颜六色的裙子和套装跳舞,看起来很有趣。The celebrities get to wear colourful dresses and suits to dance in, and it looks like a lot of fun.


14. 这些天,你甚至能看到前任司令官穿着一身卡尔·刘易斯风格的运动套装。These days, you can even see the former Commandante rocking a Carl Lewis-like tracksuit.


15. 可可发明了小黑裙,完善了香奈儿5号香水的商标,并以她的花呢套装和绗缝手袋而闻名。Coco invented the little black dress, perfected a trademark scent-Chanel No. 5-and became famous for her tweed suits and quilted handbags.


16. 我把偷的东西带到酒吧和公园去卖,这些东西包括一个背包、棉被套装、香水或者化妆品。I‘d nick stuff to sell on in pubs and the park: a bag, a duvet set, perfume or cosmetics.


17. 可怜的钱德尔穿着一件闪亮的金属超级套装,看起来比他在《不羁夜》里穿的牛仔装束更不舒服。Poor Cheadle looks even more uncomfortable in a shiny metal super-suit than he did in that cowboy getup in Boogie Nights.


18. 改进的内容包括将旧海军制服换成清新的蓝白相间的棉套装。The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.


19. 如果你想省钱买一套你看中的新套装,吃一个月的廉价晚餐也许会让你买得起。If you‘re saving up for a new outfit you‘ve had your eye on, cheap dinners for a month might let you buy it.


20. 行头就是你的全套装备、你的绘画裤、或者你的写作拖鞋、或者你能给你灵感的滑稽帽子。The costume is your outfit, your painting pants, or your writing slippers, or your funny hat that gives you ideas.


21. 第三盏闪光灯SB-80DX充当发灯。为了获得更柔和的光线,我使用了热靴灯柔光箱套装。The third Speedlight SB-80DX acted as hair light. To get a softer light, I used Speedlight Pro Kit Softbox.


22. 让我们想象一下,你住在一间配有无线安全装置的小房子里,这套装置提供了一个实用的抗干扰系统。Let‘s imagine that you live in a small home with a wireless security setup that offers a functional anti-jamming system.


23. 如果你访问傲丽网站,您会发现他们提供了特价的基础套装。If you visit the Covermark site, you‘ll find that they offer a specially priced foundation set.


24. 我们要采购卫浴套装,门上挂钩,防雾镜子,钩子以及餐巾座。We want to buy Bathroom Sets, Over-Door Hooks, Fogless Mirror, Hooks, Napkin Holder Doors.


25. 她时尚的品位,从颜色鲜艳的黄色套装,到时髦的黑色晚装,让她成为了媒体的宠儿。Michelle Obama‘s fashion sense, from vibrant yellow dresses to shick chic black evening wear, made her a media darling.


26. 我来试我的新套装,这是我的单据。I come to try my new suit. Here‘s the receipt.


27. 他穿着一身漂亮的黑色套装出了家门。He left home dressed in a smart black suit.


28. 他穿着一身漂亮的黑色套装出了家门。He left home dressed in a smart black suit.
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