1. 那块木板是用钉子拼接的。The plank was spliced with nails.youdao
2. 彼得斯夫人:她正在拼接被子。Mrs. Peters: She was piecing a quilt.youdao
3. 2绑定参数vs .字符串拼接。Binding Parameters vs. String concatenation.youdao
4. 计算机对于将基因组拼接成整体也没有限制。Computers aren‘t limited to piecing genomes back together.youdao
5. 所有拼接打包成一个对象文件,准备注入内核。All splices are bundled into a single object file ready to be injected into the kernel.youdao
6. 接着,他将其数码化,拼接成一个短小的纪录片。He then digitised it and spliced it together into a short documentary.youdao
7. 他们已着手把宇宙从大爆炸至今的历史拼接起来。They have begun to piece together the whole history of the universe, from the big bang to the present day.youdao
8. 记住,永远都不要简单地拼接文本来创建SQL命令。With that in mind, never just concatenate text to create an SQL command.youdao
9. 这些函数执行字符串复制和拼接,不过更不容易出错。These functions do string copying and concatenation, but in a much less error-prone way. These functions‘ prototypes are.youdao
10. 甚至陌生人都看到:冬天,还有人穿着补丁拼接成的背心。Even stranger: in winter, some wear quilted vests.youdao
11. 为了演示,本文使用Ubuntu 9.10并拼接它的内核。For demonstration purposes, this article USES Ubuntu 9.10 and splices its kernel.youdao
12. 可以用ksplice - remove从内核中删除拼接。You can redact a splice from the kernel with ksplice-remove.youdao
13. 只需轻轻地碰一下快门,你就可以不停地连拍并将它们拼接成新的照片。With a touch of the shutter button, you can continuously take multiple shots and combines them into a photo collage.youdao
14. 这个基准测试的关键(如清单1所示)在于将大量的字符串拼接在一起。The essence of the benchmark (as seen in listing 1) is to take a couple of strings and concatenate them together.youdao
15. 现在让我们来看看JCC跟踪的主体,并试着将一些关键的元素拼接起来。Let us now have a look at the body of a JCC trace and try to piece together some key elements.youdao
16. 这是今天最精彩的瞬间——把她拼接好,我们看到了蒙娜丽莎的灿烂容颜。"This has been the best bit today - putting her together so we can see the Mona Lisa in all her glory."youdao
17. 通过将棉花中的碳与硼拼接,南加州大学的研究人员显着增加了这种常见面料的弹性。By splicing the carbon in cotton with boron, researchers at the University of South Carolina have markedly increased this familiar fabric‘s resiliency.youdao
18. 但欧洲犹太人犹如拼接的棉被一般,他们同以色列的结合非常依赖当地情况。But European Jewry is a patchwork quilt, where the bond with Israel depends greatly on local conditions.youdao
19. 但是,深谙宣传之道、极富娱乐精神的摩尔却懂得如何拼接镜头以博取眼球。But Moore, a master propagandist and incorrigible entertainer, knows how to assemble footage in piquant ways.youdao
20. 他们把录像交给黄伟凯,黄将它们删选,剪辑和拼接成了一部一小时的作品。They made their footage available to Mr. Huang, who then chose, edited and ordered the sequences he wanted down to just under an hour.youdao
21. 两名接待员坐在黑兮兮、凉嗖嗖(没有供暖)的大厅里,膝盖上搭着拼接毛毯。Two receptionists sit in the dark, unheated lobby, with matching blankets on their knees.youdao
22. 但Blake通过拼接和再次采样钢琴声(pianoline)把它减短了30秒。But Blake cuts it short 30 seconds in by splicing and resampling the piano line.youdao
23. 因为我们显式地将新变量拼接到现有的语法对象中,所以不会对它们进行重命名。Since we explicitly spliced the new variables into the existing syntax object, there is no chance for them to be renamed.youdao
24. 解决的办法只能是先拍摄电影然后对对话进行翻译,再把它剪辑拼接成完整的故事。It was only after we shot the film and received the translations of the conversations that we could then piece together the story.youdao
25. 在研究项目最后,我将这个大自然的拼图游戏一块块地拼接好,也找到了问题的答案。At the end of my research project, I put the pieces of this natural puzzle together, and I discovered the answer.youdao
26. 为了更深入地调查,德雷纳现在正尝试将人类引起口吃的基因拼接到老鼠的DNA上。To investigate further, Dr Drayna is now attempting to splice human stutter-causing genes into the DNA of mice.youdao
27. 周围的乡村是一系列不规则的小块田地相互拼接而成,这些土地中世纪就开垦出来了。The surrounding country is an irregular patchwork of small fields, reflecting land use in the Middle Ages.youdao
28. 更棒的是,内核拼接只会中断正常系统操作不到一毫秒,守护进程、进程和连接都保持不变。Better yet, a kernel splice interrupts normal system operation for a mere fraction of a millisecond, leaving daemons, processes, and connections intact.youdao
29. 注意我们在此处进行了一次简单的字符串拼接操作(“. ”在Perl中是拼接操作)。Notice that we have simple string concatenation here (". "is the concatenation operation in Perl).youdao
30. 注意我们在此处进行了一次简单的字符串拼接操作(“. ”在Perl中是拼接操作)。Notice that we have simple string concatenation here (". "is the concatenation operation in Perl).