
公布用英语怎么怎么读 趣句汇总

公布用英语怎么怎么读 趣句汇总


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1. 最终选举结果将在周五被公布。The final election results will be announced on Friday.


2. 委员会的调查结果将于今天公布。The findings of the commission will be published today.


3. 竞赛的获胜者将于下月公布。The winners of the competition will be announced next month.


4. 他们订婚的消息已在当地报纸上公布。Their engagement was announced in the local paper.


5. 注册的截止日期尚未公布。The cutoff date for registering is yet to be announced.


6. 白宫可能要到7月份才会公布这项计划。The White House probably won‘t make this plan public until July.


7. 比赛官员们星期二公布了几位新赞助人。Race officials announced a handful of new sponsors on Tuesday.


8. 运输部将公布会议记录。The DOT is to publish the conference proceedings.


9. 报告将在互联网上公布。The report will be published on the Internet.


10. 这一裁决迫使航空公司公布航班晚点信息。The ruling obligates airlines to release information about their flight delays.


11. 销售数据要到下个月的某个时候才会公布。The sales figures won‘t be released until sometime next month.


12. 今天公布的数字表明通货膨胀率又一次下降。Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation.


13. 现在英国的学校得按法律规定公布考试结果。British schools are now required by law to publish their exam results.


14. 售票计划和价目表要到今年晚些时候才会公布。Ticket plans and a pricing schedule will not be released until later this year.


15. 教育委员会今天将公布关于今后十年师资储备的报告。The education committee will today publish its report on the supply of teachers for the next decade.


16. 澳大利亚一些最大的上市公司预期会在本周公布高额中期盈利。Some of Australia‘s largest listed companies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week.


17. 东北部又经历了一个黑色的日子,当地公布的失业人数再度上升。It‘s been another black day for the north-east with the announcement of further job losses.


18. 纽约市公布了一项以联邦纳税人权利法案为范本而制定的10点政策。New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers.


19. 到时候会公布更多关于竞赛的内容。Further details of the competition will be announced in due course.


20. 他的发现,“银版照相法”,于1839年公布。His discovery, the "daguerreotype," was announced in 1839.


21. 关于这次节日举办情况的完整报告将在下周的发行物中公布。A full report on the launch of the festival will be published in next week‘s issue.


22. 警方公布了袭击她的人的模拟像。Police have issued an artist‘s impression of her attacker.


23. 这家公司公布了11亿元的亏损。The company posted a $1.1 billion loss.


24. 沃纳先生本周公布了他的新策略。Mr. Werner unveiled his new strategy this week.


25. 委员会的调查结果将于星期五公布。The findings of the committee will be published on Friday.


26. 这份报告一公布,股价又跌了8便士。The report sent share prices down a further 8p.


27. 伤亡者的姓名在通知亲属前不被公布。Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives.


28. 该设计师将公布她的最新款秋冬时装。The designer will be unveiling her latest fashions for autumn and winter.


29. 政府报告的细节尚未公布。Details of the government report have not yet been made public.


30. 结果将在互联网上公布。The results will be posted on the Internet.
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