
待遇用英语怎么说 用英语怎么造句

待遇用英语怎么说 用英语怎么造句


  • treatment


1. 她对自己受到的待遇大为光火。She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.


2. 农民能够享受某种具体的税收待遇。A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment.


3. 他对所遭受的待遇感到非常愤怒。He was outraged at the way he had been treated.


4. 她觉得自己受到了不公平的待遇。She felt that she had been unjustly treated.


5. 他们要求得到和其他老师同等的待遇。They were demanding to be treated on the same footing as the rest of the teachers.


6. 最优秀的模特儿会受到明星级的待遇。The best models receive star treatment.


7. 他愤懑地诉说他所受到的不公平待遇。He complained bitterly that he had been unfairly treated.


8. 我们不需要任何特殊待遇。We don‘t want any special treatment.


9. 长子们受到了优等待遇。Firstborn sons received preferential treatment.


10. 我们将给她一些贵宾待遇,并铺上红地毯。We‘ll give her some VIP treatment and roll out the red carpet.


11. 她得到了男子般的待遇。She was treated as an honorary man.


12. 受到那样的待遇,她无法掩藏内心强烈的愤恨。She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated.


13. 在19世纪中叶,多罗西娅·迪克斯发起了为精神病患者争取人道待遇的运动。In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill.


14. 他因遭受如此待遇而怒火满腔。He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated.


15. 然而,最小的孩子经常得到特殊待遇。The youngest child, though, often gets special treatment.


16. 他屈服于这种不公平的待遇。He submitted to the unjust treatment.


17. 你没有得到比你应得的更好的待遇吗?Don‘t you get better treatment than you deserve?


18. 向富裕国家提供优惠待遇。Offering preferential treatment to wealthy countries.


19. 每个人都会为受到不公平的待遇而感到愤慨。Everyone feels resentment at being treated unfairly.


20. 温迪得到了不同的待遇,她是最后一个出来的。A different treatment was accorded to Wendy, who came last.


21. 客人在酒店受到的待遇影响了他们对服务的评价。The way the guests were treated in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.


22. 他继续漂泊,受了伤,心里愤愤不平,决心再也不让自己受到同样的待遇。He wandered on, wounded and indignant, and was resolved to put himself in the way of like treatment no more.


23. 你的新工作听起来实在太好了——工作有趣味,待遇高,时间短。有什么美中不足的地方吗?Your new job sounds too good to be true — interesting work, high pay, short hours. Isn‘t there any fly in the ointment?


24. 演播室制度的兴起还有赖于明星的待遇,这些明星被改造和剥削,让他们满足演播室的形象和时间表。The rise of the studio system also hinges on the treatment of stars, who were constructed and exploited to suit a studio‘s image and schedule.


25. 如果你拥有一枚1913年的价值约100万美元的自由女神头像硬币,你可能也会愿意给予它特殊的待遇!If you owned a Liberty Head coin from 1913, which is worth about one million dollars, you would probably be willing to give it special treatment, too!


26. 《新闻周刊》对165个国家进行了排名,考察了影响妇女生活的五个方面:法律待遇、参与劳动、政治权力、得到教育和医疗保健的权力。Newsweek ranked 165 countries, looking at five areas that affect women‘s lives: treatment under the law, workforce participation, political power, and access to education and health care.


27. 尽管我们国家的教师和校长工作十分出色,并作出了深刻的承诺,但在国内贫困程度高的地区中,少数民族学校的学生还是受到了不公平的待遇。Despite the excellent work and deep commitment of our nation‘s teachers and principals, students in high poverty, high-minority schools are unfairly treated across our country.


28. 我认为妇女受到了不公平的待遇。I think women have a raw deal.


29. 他们要求平等的权利和公正的待遇。They are demanding equal rights and justice.


30. 我做了什么事应该得到这种待遇呢?What have I done to deserve this?
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