
资料英语怎么造句 英汉互译的30个趣句解析

资料英语怎么造句 英汉互译的30个趣句解析


  • data; datum
  • information; means
  • material


1. 有意索取资料的读者可免付邮资。Information will be sent post-free to any interested readers.


2. 我们可随时向您提供这种资料。We have this sort of information on tap.


3. 这项工作包括搜集和分析资料。The job involves gathering and analysing data.


4. 她在她的书桌里搜寻必要的资料。She searched her desk for the necessary information.


5. 该资料摘自《柯林斯良木手册》。This material has been extracted from "Collins Good Wood Handbook."


6. 我正上网查找关于印度音乐的资料。I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music.


7. 这份资料在质量和数量上都很有限。The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.


8. 为掌握全面情况,还需要详细资料。In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed.


9. 这些年来她积累了大量教学资料。She‘s built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years.


10. 这资料是从69个国家收集来的。This data was collected from 69 countries.


11. 我们一直从各种渠道收集资料。We‘ve been collecting data from various sources.


12. 她向保险公司提供了不真实的资料。She gave false information to the insurance company.


13. 关于这个课题缺乏可靠资料。There was a dearth of reliable information on the subject.


14. 这项研究提供了有用的资料。The research has yielded useful information.


15. 这份资料可以从多方面解读。The data can be interpreted in many different ways.


16. 资料里有一些需要删除的不适用信息。There is some noise in the data which needs to be reduced.


17. 该报告包含大量统计资料。The report contains a great deal of statistical information.


18. 这个资料你能随意使用吗?Do you have this information at your disposal?


19. 我明天会把资料邮寄给你。I‘ll put the information in the post to you tomorrow.


20. 他把资料抄在了笔记本上。He copied the data into a notebook.


21. 在看到全部相关资料之前,他拒绝评论。He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information.


22. 你们当地的图书馆就是很好的资料来源。Your local library will be a useful source of information.


23. 新的资料和电脑中已有的数据作了比较。New information is matched against existing data in the computer.


24. 现代计算机能迅速处理大量的信息资料。Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly.


25. 谁授权发表这些资料的?Who gave the authorization to release the data?


26. 需要更多的键盘录入人员来录入这些资料。More keyboarding staff are required for data entry.


27. 这资料不受版权保护。The information has been placed in the public domain.


28. 现另函寄上所要资料。The information you requested is being forwarded to you under separate cover.


29. 究竟要把哪些资料收入报告,你得仔细斟酌。You will have to be selective about which information to include in the report.


30. 这个题目资料匮乏。The information available on the subject is sparse.
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