- coward
1. 威尔伯说他不是个懦夫,但他在哲学观念上反对战争。Wilbur says he‘s not a coward, but that he‘s philosophically opposed to war.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2. 通过袭击我,袭击我妻子,他已经证明了自己是一个胆小的懦夫。By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
3. 任何以其他方式战斗的人都是没用的懦夫。Anybody who fights any other way is a no-good coward.youdao
4. 暴汉常是懦夫。A bully is always a coward.《新英汉大辞典》
5. 你们这些没用的懦夫,武装起来,守住那些门,我派一个人去叫卫兵!Ye paltry cowards, and arm yourselves and guard the doors, whilst I send one to fetch the watch!youdao
6. “好吧!”凯瑟琳说,带着讥讽的怜悯,“保守你的秘密吧,我可不是懦夫。”"Oh, well!" said Catherine, with scornful compassion, "keep your secret. I‘m no coward."youdao
7. 例如,他宁可在战斗中死去,也不愿冒险换一种方式生活,并被称为“懦夫”或“不像个男人"。He would, for example, rather die in the battle than risk living in a different way and being called a "coward" or "not a man".youdao
8. 霍布斯强调把保护生命作为最高的道德价值吗?难道这就把他强大的利维坦变成了一个懦夫的联邦吗?Does Hobbes‘ emphasis on the preservation of life as the supreme moral value? Does this turn his mighty Leviathan into a kind of commonwealth of cowards?youdao
9. “今天早晨,自由被一个无名懦夫袭击了。” 以此作为开始,他做了两分钟的讲话,随后离开了会议室。"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward," he began, then spoke for two minutes before leaving the room.youdao
10. 在他最近的小说里,主人公罗伯特·乔丹悲伤地认为他的父亲确实是个懦夫,最终以自杀来证明他的懦弱。In his late novel the hero, Robert Jordan, thinks sadly that his father was really a coward who finally proved his cowardice by committing suicide.youdao
11. 我是一个斗士,不是一个懦夫。I am a fighter, not a quitter.youdao
12. 他们指望我像一个懦夫一样屈服。They expected me to lie down like a coward.youdao
13. 如果我现在离开,就成了一个懦夫。I would be a coward if I left now.youdao
14. 他的堂弟是个被钱腐蚀的懦夫。His cousin was a coward corroded by money.youdao
15. 需要和机会可能使懦夫变成勇士。Necessity and oportunity may make a coward valient.youdao
16. 信仰是懦夫的勇气的替代品。Faith is the coward‘s substitute for courage.youdao
17. 懦夫在死之前,就已经死过很多次了。Coward die many times before their death.youdao
18. 只有懦夫才向命运屈服。Only a coward gives in to his fate.youdao
19. 懦夫死千次,勇者只死一次。A coward dies many deaths, a brave man but one.youdao
20. 我做不到,因为我是个懦夫。I can‘t do that, because I‘m a coward.youdao
21. 思嘉:你,希礼,是个懦夫?SCARLETT: You, Ashley, a coward?youdao
22. 我的放弃策略肯定让我成了懦夫、胆小鬼。My quitting strategy surely made me a coward and a weakling.youdao
23. 选举使我们都变成懦夫。Elections do make cowards of us all.youdao
24. 我们认为自已都很负责任,其实我们是懦夫。We imagined we were being responsible but were only being cowardly.youdao
25. 拉伊佐拉没有辞职,他称埃尔·特奥为懦夫。Leyzaola did not resign. He called El Teo a coward.youdao
26. 我们不是你们那样的懦夫,我们有人民的力量。We are not cowards like you, we have the power of the people.youdao
27. 思嘉,我是个懦夫。Oh, Scarlett, I‘m a coward.youdao
28. 也许会这样,但我绝不会像那些懦夫一样跑掉。That may be true, but I can tell you that I won‘t look the other way or run the other way like those cowards.youdao
29. 我真是一个懦夫!What a coward I am!youdao
30. 要明确的是,我并不是说奥巴马先生是一个懦夫。To be clear, I‘m not saying that Mr Obama is cowardly.youdao