
发放用英语怎么说 有哪些句子短语

发放用英语怎么说 有哪些句子短语


  • grant
  • provide
  • issue
  • give out


1. 已采取行动来加速支票的发放。Action had been taken to speed up the release of cheques.


2. 他们说,他们将会对希腊施压,以达成签证发放的互惠。They said they would press for reciprocity with Greece in the issuing of visas.


3. 读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your university course.


4. 根据法律规定,发放生物控制剂必须得到环境国务秘书的批准。According to law, the release of the biological control agents must be authorized by the secretary of state for the environment.


5. 官员们创造了一种叫做德国绿卡的东西,并宣布他们将在第一年发放2万张。Officials created something called the German Green Card and announced that they would issue 20,000 in the first year.


6. 他们还不准备发放更多详情。They‘re not releasing any more details yet.


7. 去年银行发放的贷款增至100亿元。Lending by banks rose to $10 billion last year.


8. 搞分肥拨款的政客为赢得选票、影响民情而发放房租补贴。Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.


9. 援助官员们说第一批面粉和食用油等紧急救援食品配给已于上月在此发放。Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month.


10. 自去年8月以来,在审检工资发放的公司中,有三分之一已经强行实施工资冻结长达1年。A third of companies reviewing pay since last August have imposed a pay freeze of up to a year.


11. 你可以把你的头发放下来。You can let your hair down.


12. 他们担心我会拖欠发放给我的一些商业贷款。They fear I will default on any business loan I‘m given.


13. 发放食物时,流浪狗会欢蹦乱跳的穿过幼儿园。When delivering food, stray dogs will jump through the kindergarten.


14. 她把头发放下来。She let the hair down.


15. 只有在很少的情况下,才会在数学课上发放补充作业纸。Only rarely are supplementary worksheets distributed in a maths class.


16. 我原以为研究生助教会在学期开始时自动进入发放工资的名单。I thought graduate teaching assistants will automatically put on the payroll at the beginning of the semester.


17. 最受欢迎的开心乐园餐玩具是麦当劳发放的超过1亿个迷你豆豆娃。The most popular Happy Meal toy ever was when McDonald‘s gave out more than 100 million Teenie Beanie Babies.


18. 2012年,该公司向加州的医疗储备队发放了1200多套医疗包。In 2012, the company distributed more than 1,200 MedPacks to Medical Reserve Corps groups in California.


19. 然而,政治家们还需要解决这样一个问题,那就是政府是否应该向如此多的人发放如此多的福利。Yet politicians also need to tackle the question of whether the state should be handing out so much to so many.


20. 目前的奖学金获得者不会失去他们的奖学金,但从2008年秋季开始,只会对学生发放助学金。No current merit-aid recipients will lose their scholarships, but need-based aid alone will be awarded beginning with students entering in fall 2008.


21. 来自租户的现金流比来自股票的更稳定,后者的价值每天都在波动,管理层可能会突然停止发放股息。The cashflow from tenants is more stable than that from equities, where values zigzag day by day and dividends can suddenly be suspended by the management.


22. 今年,为了减少秋季黑鸟的数量,米德兰的农民在春季黑鸟停飞期间,申请了发放少量有毒大米的许可。This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of poisoned rice during the blackbirds‘ spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird population.


23. 一些高校正在向学生发放苹果的iPhone和可上网的iPod,这一举措可能会让很多教授觉得有点适得其反。Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive, some colleges and universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-capable iPods to their students.


24. 经济学家布莱恩·卡普兰正在写一本关于教育的著作,他对此表示赞同:“只要继续发放补贴,资源的巨大浪费就会一直存在。”Economist Bryan Caplan, who is writing a book about education, agrees: "It‘s a giant waste of resources that will continue as long as the subsidies continue."


25. Coffman和地区官员上周达成了一项州紧急计划,释放了980万美元的贷款,使2700名教师和工作人员的工资能够在假期及时发放。Coffman and district officials last week agreed on a state emergency plan freeing up a $9.8 million loan that enabled the payroll to be met for 2,700 teachers and staff in time for the holidays.


26. 救灾物资很快发放到灾区人民手里。Relief goods were quickly handed out to the people in the stricken area.


27. 施赈所是向穷人发放救济品的地方。Almonry is a place from which alms were dispensed to the poor.


28. 在一些国家,发放空头支票是违法的。The passing of rubber cheques is illegal in some countries.


29. 就是文件发放迟缓问题。This is the late release of documents.


30. 就是文件发放迟缓问题。This is the late release of documents
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