



1. bedgasm

【bedgasm】n. 床潮 bed orgasm。指漫长而辛苦的一天结束后爬进被窝时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句:"It was a three hour drive in the middle of the night, I could barely stay awake. When I got home, I climbed under the covers and had a ten-minute bedgasm."

一目了然,bedgasm就是bed orgasm缩写而来的合成词。其实只要你认识orgasm(高潮)这个清新纯朴的单词,bedgasm的意思就不言而喻了。

这种合二为一的构词法叫pormanteau。最典型的例子就是雾霾smog(由smoke fog组成)。你如果认识smoke和fog,不用教你,你也能认识这词。



2. foodgasm

food orgasm,食潮。吃到美食时双膝发软两眼后翻高喊"This is so fucking good!"的快感。

例句: That spicy hotpot gave me multiple foodgasms.

3. shopgasm

shop orgasm,购物潮。逛街血拼时感受到的像高潮般的快感。

例句: The only orgasm I got on Singles' Day was shopgasm.

4. moneygasm

money orgasm,赚钱潮。拿到钱时感受到的像高潮般的快感。

例句: I experience moneygasm everytime I get my paycheck.

5. shitgasm

shit orgasm,屎潮。在厕所拉出一大泡屎,或者憋了很久终于找到厕所能拉屎时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: I shitgasmed twice this morning. And the I got out of my bed.

6. peegasm

pee orgasm,尿潮。在厕所尿出一大泡尿,或者憋了很久终于找到厕所能撒尿时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: I had waited in line outside the bathroom for 2 hours and had a 5-minute peegasm.

7. fartgasm

fart orgasm,屁潮。放出一大串屁,或者憋了很久终于能放屁时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: Terrance and Phillip had tons of fartgasms in South Park. 

8. cutegasm 

cute orgasm,萌潮。见到萌物时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: When Justin saw the baby pandas, he had a cutegasm.

9. showergasm 

shower orgasm,澡潮。洗澡时感受到的如高潮般的快感。(UD的释义更加邪恶)

例句: I had a beautiful showergasm after a long and hard day.

10. nosegasm 

nose orgasm,味潮。闻到香味时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: That perfume caused a nosegasm.  

11. bookgasm 

book orgasm,书潮。阅读时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: Harry Potter is sooo good it gave me bookgasm.


12. examgasm 

exam orgasm,考试潮。学霸在考试时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: Hermione had examgasms in Hogwarts everyday. 

13. musigasm 

music orgasm,音乐潮。听音乐时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: Justin Bieber's songs are so good they give me musigasms.

14. phonegasm 

phone orgasm,电话潮。打电话时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: I haven't had a phonegasm for so many years.

15. codegasm 

code orgasm,代码潮。程序员写代码时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: For programmers, codegasms are much better than real orgasms.

16. footgasm 

foot orgasm,脚潮。脚部按摩时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: Her soft hands gave me a footgasm and a happy ending.

17. drinkgasm 

drink orgasm,酒潮。喝酒时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: I just got a drinkgasm from that beer.

18. facegasm 

face orgasm,喷嚏潮。打喷嚏时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: That exploding sneeze gave me a huge facegasm.

19. bragasm 

bra orgasm,胸罩潮。漫长的一天之后脱掉胸罩时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: Bragasm is the best thing in the world!

20. assgasm 

ass orgasm,菊花潮。菊花受到外力刺激时感受到的如高潮般的快感。

例句: Assgasm is the orgasm for your anus.


P.S. 虽然说过几十次,但我猜肯定还会有人问:上文中释义图片都来自俚语词典Urban Dictionary。UD词典的内容为网友编纂,使用时需谨慎。



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