
带ing的动词或带to 不定式的动词 2

带ing的动词或带to 不定式的动词 2

When one verb is followed by another, the second verb can either be an infinitive or an –ing form. Some verbs can be followed by either an infinitive, or an –ing form but with a change in meaning. These are some of the most common ones.




• I like watching old films on TV.

With an ‘ing’ form, ‘like’ means ‘enjoy’


• I like to wash up as soon as I finish eating.

I might not enjoy washing up but I think it’s the right thing to do.


Remember that ‘would like’ can only be followed by an infinitive.

记住,would like只能跟动词不定式。

• I’d like to go to Japan next year, if possible.



• I’m trying to learn Japanese but it’s very difficult.

Try to infinitive means that something is difficult and you make an attempt to do it.

Try to 不定式表示要完成某事很困难,你需要努力去做

• Have you tried using butter instead of oil?

Try ‘ing’ means make an experiment. It’s not difficult – it might work, it might not.

Try ing形式表示一种试验,它也许不难—有可能成功,也可能失败。



Stop ‘ing’ tells us what has stopped. In this example, buying a newspaper.

Stop ing表示某事被停止,在这个例子里,买报纸这事被终止了。

•I’ve stopped buying a newspaper every day to try to save money.

Stop to infinitive tells us why something stopped. In this example the reason that the bus stopped was to pick up the children.

Stop to 不定式表示为什么某事被停止,在这个例子了,公车停了是因为要接小孩。

• The bus stopped to pick up the children.

remember /forget


• Don’t forget to post that letter for me.• Did you remember to post that letter for me?

Remember/forget to infinitive means that you remember something you have to do – a duty or a chore.

“Remember/forget to 不定式” 表示你记住或者忘记某件你应该要做的事—一个责任或者一件杂务。

• I’ll always remember meeting you for the first time.• I’ll never forget meeting you for the first time.

Remember/forget ‘ing’ form means remember something you did in the past – an event or an activity.

“Remember/forget ing形式” 表示你记住或者忘记你之前做过的某事—一件大事或者一个活动。


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