网络抵作网络释义 -intead
1 . 抵作
intead中文是什么意思中文翻译安装"查查"工具栏,随时查词典不..而. 抵作例句与用法 1. Another possiblility is that ( s ) he posted for the site '.
相关词条 he drink tea intead of coffee1 . 他喝茶代替咖啡
he drink tea intead of coffee ., 他喝茶代替咖啡.
intead of1 . 接的没有做的事情
he convinces the jury of his innocence he tries/manages to convince the ... intead of接的没有做的事情instead 实际去做的事情 he didn't work over.
2 . 而不
× 背 / 痛苦 × <2> ... tell (A) from (B) 分辨A和B throw out 逐出 intead of 而不...;代替.
drink tea intead of coffee1 . 喝茶代替咖啡
he drink tea intead of coffee ., 他喝茶代替咖啡.