美['hi:təbəl] 可加热网络可被加热的;可加热的;可加热
1 . I think I will make a re - heatable dinner for Jessica's family.
网络释义 -heatable1 . 可被加热的
可被加热的(heatable), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
2 . 可加热的
die, heatable分享到: 【运输】模,模板,可加热的分类:通用词汇相关的句子:查看句子 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献.
3 . 可加热
前排座椅可加热 Heatable front seats 灯光控制旋钮,后视镜调节和车窗控制按钮镀铬装饰 Chrome trim on rotary light switch, mirror adjustment and window lift.
相关词条 enamel heatable high-durable wire1 . 耐热高强度漆包线
耐热高强度漆包线enamel heatable high-durable wire 漆包绝缘 enamel insulation 漆包锰铜线 enamel manganin 丝包漆包线 enamel silk-covered wire.
heatable stage microscope1 . 热显微镜
heat-variable resistor 热敏电阻器heatable stage microscope 热显微镜heated drying cylinder 加热烘缸
heatable adobe sleeping platform1 . 温热的土炕
we always say a dilapidated cottage , but never leave the Yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform .我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋,却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕。
such a heatable adobe sleeping platform1 . 这种土炕
winter , sleep in very comfortable on such a heatable adobe sleeping platform , because the kang is warm all day .冬天,睡在这种土炕上很舒服,因为炕上整天都是暖暖的。