







1 . I like singing, play the badminton and make the handwork !

我爱好唱歌, 打羽毛球和做手工!

2 . Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork 's.



3 . I like singing, play the badminton and make the handwork !

我爱好唱歌, 打羽毛球和做手工!

4 . The handwork does the gate is not fine, only supplies the reference.

手工做的门就是不精致, 仅供参考.

5 . The handwork does the gate is not fine, only supplies the reference.

手工做的门就是不精致, 仅供参考.

6 . Multiple operation methods, which can be classified as automatic, semi - automatic and handwork .

操作方式多样, 可分为全自动 、 半自动 、手动工作方式.

7 . Multiple operation methods, which can be classified as automatic, semi - automatic and handwork .

操作方式多样, 可分为全自动 、 半自动 、手动工作方式.

8 . Library has big data information and handwork handling has low efficiency.


9 . Library has big data information and handwork handling has low efficiency.


网络释义 -handwork

1 . 手工

handpicking belt 手选带handwork手工hang 悬挂

2 . 手工

handpicking belt 手选带handwork手工hang 悬挂

3 . 手工椎

handsaw 手锯handwork手工椎hangar 飞机库

4 . 手工椎

handsaw 手锯handwork手工椎hangar 飞机库

5 . 手工作业

handwheel 手轮handwork手工;手工作业handy 便利的

6 . 手工作业

handwheel 手轮handwork手工;手工作业handy 便利的

相关词条 these handwork

1 . 这些手工艺品

Sales of these handwork in Japanese is very good base on our experience ., 根据我们的经验 , 这些手工艺品在日本销路很好.

2 . 这些手工艺品

Sales of these handwork in Japanese is very good base on our experience ., 根据我们的经验 , 这些手工艺品在日本销路很好.

by handwork

1 . 采用手工

and it brings a lot of dataand appurtenant works . it is very difficult to manage urban underground network ( including the sewage pipe network ) by handwork method .在我国绝大多数城市仍采用手工管理的方法来管理城市地下管网(包括污水管网),其弊端显而易见。

2 . 采用手工

and it brings a lot of dataand appurtenant works . it is very difficult to manage urban underground network ( including the sewage pipe network ) by handwork method .在我国绝大多数城市仍采用手工管理的方法来管理城市地下管网(包括污水管网),其弊端显而易见。

handwork commerce

1 . 手工艺商业

...【商务用语】co-operative commerce 合作商业handwork commerce 手工艺商业international commerce 国际商务

2 . 手工艺商业

...【商务用语】co-operative commerce 合作商业handwork commerce 手工艺商业international commerce 国际商务

handwork program

1 . 手工编程

at base point and cutter position point of handwork program calculating problem , a new method is presented .针对手工编程中的基点和刀位点的计算问题给出了一种新的求解方法。

2 . 手工编程

at base point and cutter position point of handwork program calculating problem , a new method is presented .针对手工编程中的基点和刀位点的计算问题给出了一种新的求解方法。

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