美[ɪksɪp'leks] 激态基态复合物,复合受激态网络激发复合体;激态络合物;复合受激态;激基复合物
1 . The kinetics and mechanism of exciplex formation of 9,10 - dicyanoanthracene ( DCA ) by acenaphthenone ( ANO ) have been studied.
研究了苊酮 ( ANO ) 对9,10-二氰蒽 ( DCA ) 的荧光猝灭与激基络合物形成的动力学与机理.
行业释义网络释义 化学1.激基复合物
-exciplex1 . 激发复合体
excimer 受激子exciplex激发复合体excision nuclease 切除核酸酶
2 . 激态络合物
excimer 受澈二聚物exciplex激态络合物excitation 激励
3 . 复合受激态
excimer lasers 准分子雷射exciplex复合受激态exciplexdye laser 复合受激态染料激光器
4 . 激基复合物
... . . .首次报道了F在醇溶液中的双荧光现象,并认为短波区的紫色荧光来源于正常激发态,长波区的绿色荧光来源于F与溶剂乙醇形成的激基复合物(exciplex)。在大量实验研究基础上,Sengupta和Kasha部分否定了Frolov的解.
相关词条 exciplex fluorescence1 . 激基复合物荧光
激基缔合物荧光 excimer fluorescence 264 激基复合物荧光exciplex fluorescence.
exciplex dye laser1 . 复合受激态染料激光器
excimer laser procossing equipment for micromaching 准分子雷射加工机(微机电excimer lasers 准分子雷射exciplex 复合受激态exciplex dye laser 复合受激态染料激光器.
heteroexcimer, exciplex1 . 异核准分子
兹兹兹兹异外延光波 heteroepitaxy 兹兹兹异外延 heteroexcimer, exciplex 异核准分子heterogeneity (1)非均匀性(2)多相性(3)兹兹 heterogeneous 兹兹不.
2 . 异质外延
异质外延光波导heteroepitaxy异质外延heteroexcimer, exciplex异核准分子heterogeneity
exciplex laser1 . 复合受激态激光器
exciplex laser 复合受激态激光器excising forceps 牙切断钳 excitation arc reactor 励弧电抗器 excitation capacitor 励磁电容器 excitation choking coil 励磁扼.