英[ɪˈrʌptɪv] adj.暴发的,喷火的,疹的网络喷发的;火成的;爆发的
1 . A pustule caused by smallpox or a similar eruptive disease.
2 . A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring.
3 . The skarn with special eruptive deposition and metasomatism is the main ore - bearing rock in Jiama deposits.
4 . Historical traces everywhere obviously: Constantine Mungu sports arena, four river eruptive fountains, Spanish steps and ladders.
历史遗迹处处可见: 君士坦丁门古竞技场, 四河喷泉 、 西班牙阶梯.
5 . Volcanic rock from two eruptive sources, Taoyuan - Hongxing and southern Dapingfang weaves and superimposes reciprocally in strata.
桃园 - 红星方向和大平房以南两个喷发源所喷发出的火山岩相互交织叠置于地层之间.
同义词 explosive英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.igneous rock produced by eruption and solidified on or near the earth's surface; rhyolite or andesite or basalt;
volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian
2.of igneous rock that has solidified beneath the earth's surface; granite or diorite or gabbro
3.erupting or tending to erupt;
a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring
-eruptive1 . 喷发的
eruptivetuff 凝灰岩eruptive喷发的ERW 电阻焊
2 . 火成的
eruption symptom 火山喷发前兆eruptive火成的eruptivebreccia 火成角砾岩
3 . 爆发的
eruption 爆发eruptive爆发的eryngo 刺芹
相关词条 central eruption1 . 中心喷发
图文依火山喷发裂口种类区分,可将其分为「中心喷发」、「裂缝喷发」与「区域喷发」。1.中心喷发(Central eruption)∶岩浆以火山口为中心向四周喷发,形成典型的火山锥.
summit eruption1 . 山顶喷发
summit 顶summit eruption 山顶喷发summit level 峰顶高程
eruptive rock1 . 喷发岩
eruptive breccia 火成角砾岩eruptive rock 喷发岩erythrine 钴华
flank eruption1 . 山侧喷发
flank 翼flank eruption 山侧喷发flank moraine 侧碛石