英[dɪsˈbɑ:(r)] 美[dɪsˈbɑr] vt.取消律师出庭的资格网络逐出法庭;取消律师资格;剥夺律师资格;驱逐律师
1 . The bar association condemned the lawyer's actions but did not disbar him.
2 . The Referee Commission may disbar any official or competitor who does not comply with this regulation.
同义词 dispossess depose 语源mid 16th cent. (in sense 2): from dis- away bar网络释义 -disbar1 . 逐出法庭
disbandment 解散disbar逐出法庭disbelief 怀疑
2 . 取消律师资格
起诉状 information; indictment取消律师资格 disbar全国律师代表大会 National Lawyer Congress
3 . 剥夺律师资格
剥夺的意思解释,英文翻译,剥夺的读音,五笔编码及其... ... 剥夺官职 deprivation 剥夺律师资格 disbar剥夺推举议员权 disfranchise.
4 . 驱逐律师
expel 开除disbar驱逐律师oust 罢免
相关词条 disbar the contestant1 . 取消该选手
should the Referee consider any contestant's hair too long and / or unclean , he may disbar the contestant from the bout .如果主审认为选手头发太长或不干净,可以取消该选手出赛。
disbarred1 . 取消大律师资格
pupil 见习大律师disbarred 取消大律师资格反对遗嘱的一方 party opposing a will
health disbarred1 . 身体欠佳
his poor health disbarred him from further service in army .因身体欠佳,他不能继续在军队服役。
disbandment disbar1 . 除牌 取消资格
disband 解散遣散解体各散东西disbandment disbar 除牌取消资格disbarred disbelief 疑不信可疑怀疑思疑疑惑蹊跷不可信不相信不信.