


Illustrator Jimmy Craig is back with even more of his hilarious comics from his They Can Talk series, showing what animals would say if they could communicate the way humans do.

插画家吉米·克雷格携其代表作 — 搞笑连环漫画《如果它们会说话》强势回归啦!如果动物能像人一样交流,它们会说些什么呢?

So, if you struggle to explain why your cat keeps on breaking glasses, or you can't get your head around why your pet is always disturbing your sleep in the morning, look no more for answers because Craig's comics have got it all covered!


And they do so in a way that not only makes you see the world through the eyes of an animal; they're also sure to crack you up.


#1 - This feels great! 好舒服~

     - But I could totally attack her right now. 但我明明可以现在打扁她的。

     - No, no. Just relax and enjoy it. 算了算了,让我好好享受这一刻~

     - I'm so weak! 啊,这是懦弱的表现!不能忍!

#2 - I help my blind friend navigate the city. 我是盲人朋友穿梭城市的导航仪。

     - I make sure the airport is safe. 我确保机场的安全。

     - I eat shoes. 我咬鞋玩。

#3 - It's just someone walking by. No need to panic. 只是有人路过而已,憋慌!

     - Everyone just stay calm. 大家保持镇定。

     - STAY CALM ! 保~~持~~镇~~定~~

#4 - I wonder if this will bounce. 介个可不可以弹起来呢?

     - Maybe that one will. 可能辣个可以吧...

#5 - Pet me. 快宠我!

     - With your eyes! 只许用眼睛!

#6 - I can't wait to turn into a butterfly! 我已经迫不及待想要变成蝴蝶啦!

     - Yeah, me too. 嗯呢嗯呢,我也是~

#7 - (sniff sniff) (闻 闻)

     - mmm. butts. 呀,真好。屁屁的味道~

#8 - I puked in the kitchen. 我吐在厨房里了。

     - Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐呀!

#9 - So you're going to sleep through the entire winter? 你打算把整个冬天都睡过去吗?

     - Yep. 没错。

     - You're my hero. 你就是我的英雄啊!

#10 - Why must we poop on their cars? 我们为森么要往他们车上拉屎呀?

       - My dad did it. 我爸这么干。

       - My dad's dad did it. 我爸他爸也这么干。

       - And I'm not one to break tradition. 我可不想成为那只打破传统的不孝之鸽。


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