
卸任后的奥巴马:无官一身轻 风筝冲浪超开心

卸任后的奥巴马:无官一身轻 风筝冲浪超开心

Presidents don’t get to have very much fun. Beyond the day-to-day stresses of the job, security concerns keep a whole bunch of activities off-limits, and whatever Barack Obama might be missing about the Oval Office, those restrictions don’t appear to be one of them.


The former president tried out some high-adrenaline water recreation in the Virgin Islands over the weekend, in a friendly competition with billionaire Richard Branson off the coast of Moskito Island.


Pictures in a post on the Virgin Group website show the 44th president in apparent joy, learning to kiteboard (also known as kitesurfing) – a fairly new sport which outfits a surfer on board with a handheld kite for propulsion.


The pictures emerged just a few day after Obama, several weeks into a post-presidency vacation with former first lady Michelle Obama, was spotted looking relaxed on a beach sporting a backwards hat – to the amusement of many on the internet.


Obama has mostly kept a low profile since leaving the White House, as is tradition, but did break his silence to issue a statement about Donald Trump’s travel ban executive order. He has stated he will speak up if our “core values are at stake”.


In an interview released on Tuesday, Trump claimed he and his predecessor genuinely liked one another, despite an extremely fractious election campaign last year.


Trump told Fox News: “I don’t know if he’ll admit this, but he likes me. I like him.”


During the election Trump repeatedly criticized Obama. Obama said Trump was not qualified to lead the country.


Despite that, Trump said the two were able to “hop into the car” and drive down Pennsylvania Avenue together during his inauguration with no ill will. “Politics is amazing,” he said.


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