
哈卷有望出演James Bond!这是要转型了?

哈卷有望出演James Bond!这是要转型了?

Harry Styles looks to be the latest name in the running to becoming the next James Bond as speculation continues to mount over who will take over from Daniel Craig after the next Bond film.


James Norton recently being the hot favourite to feature, until he was overtaken by Tom Hardy this week – oops. However, One Direction star Harry has now been tipped to take on the role after his debut acting performance in Christopher Nolan's war movie Dunkirk impressed many.

詹姆斯·诺顿最近红得很,直到本周角色被汤姆·哈迪所取代—真遗憾。然而来自单向组合(One Direction)的哈里自从在克里斯托弗·诺兰的战争片《敦刻尔克》上演处女秀,,令很多人印象深刻之后,一直传言他会出演邦德。


We might argue he's a bit too baby faced for the part, but Lee Smith, who cut all of Nolan's previous flicks, says the 23-year-old could be perfect for the 007 job should they be looking to hire someone ‘younger’. He said: ‘Harry could do it. If they wanted a younger Bond then why not? He has got it.’


Does he though? It seems like Harry is keen to get his fingers in all the pies, after landing on the screen in the blockbuster while also releasing his debut solo album, Sign of the Times, following the boy band's hiatus.

他可以胜任么?看起来哈里在各个领域都有染指,拍过大片,在脱离乐队单飞以后发行了个人单曲《Sign of the Times》。

And Smith believes Hazza could go onto big things if he continued his movie career, adding the singer has exceptional talent. He told the Daily Mirror: ‘You would have thought you were dealing with a guy with many years of experience. You would never know that [Dunkirk] was his first film.’


But it looks as though Harry has tough competition, as his Dunkirk co-star Tom Hardy has just overtaken James Norton as being the next Bond favourite, with punters placing their bets on him donning the suit following Craig's last turn as Bond in next year's instalment.



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