


What do you get the couple who has everything?


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have taken guess work out of gift giving for their wedding next month. The palace announced Monday that the couple have requested wedding gifts be made in the form of a donation to a selection of personally selected charities.


“Prince Harry & Ms. Meghan Markle are incredibly grateful for the goodwill they have received since their engagement, & have asked that anyone who might wish to mark the occasion of their wedding considers giving to charity, instead of sending a gift,” the palace said in a statement on Twitter.


“The couple have personally chosen 7 charities which represent a range of issues that they are passionate about, including sport for social change, women's empowerment, conservation, the environment, homelessness, HIV and the Armed Forces.”


Next is Crisis, the national charity for homeless people. Prince Harry and Prince William both champion causes that support the homeless, which was another issue close to their mother's heart.

Next is Crisis 是国家为流浪者开设的慈善机构,哈利王子和威廉王子都为流浪者提供帮助,也是受到母亲戴安娜的影响。

Jon Sparkes, Chief Executive of Crisis, said: “We are hugely grateful that Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are asking the public to support Crisis as they celebrate their wedding. Homelessness is one of the most urgent issues of our time, but at Crisis we know what it takes to end it.

该机构的首席执行Jon Sparkes说:“我们非常感激哈里王子和梅根女士,能够通过结婚庆典来呼吁公众支持。我们这个时代最亟待解决的问题之一就是,居无定所,我们的慈善机构致力于终结这种情况。”

They’ve also selected the Myna Mahila Foundation — a charity which empowers women in Mumbai's urban slums, by providing them with a trusted network, where they are supported professionally and personally to help them grow as individuals and businesswomen.


Meghan visited the foundation last year and opened up about the powerful week she spent in India to learn about the issues and challenges the women and girls who live thereface.


“During my time in the field, many girls shared that they feel embarrassed to go to school during their periods, ill equipped with rags instead of pads, unable to participate in sports, and without bathrooms available to care for themselves, they often opt to drop out of school entirely,” she continued.


Suhani Jalota, who founded Myna Mahila in 2015, said: “Myna Mahila Foundation is delighted to be a part of this special occasion for Ms. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. This support will enable us to expand our reach into more urban slums in Mumbai, empowering local women through access to menstrual hygiene products and employment opportunities.”

该机构于2015年创办,创始人Suhani Jalota说道:“能够在梅根女士和哈里王子大婚之时参与进来,我们非常高兴。他们的支持能够让孟买当地更多贫民窟的女性受益,享用经期卫生用品和就业机会。”

Also selected is Scotty’s Little Soldiers, the charity for bereaved Armed Forces children. Inspired by the experience of war widow Nikki Scott, the charity offers vital support to children who have lost a parent while serving in the British Armed Forces. As aveteran of the British Army, Harry regularly supports causes that help veterans and their families.

他们还选择了Scotty’s Little Soldiers慈善组织,该组织主要为因军队服役而丧亲儿童服务。 机构创办受到因战争丧夫而守寡的Nikki Scott的影响,该机构为在父母军队中服役而不幸身亡所留下子女提供帮助。作为一名英国军队的老兵,哈里王子经常帮助老兵们和他们的家庭。


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