
Kate Spade 创始人自杀!享年55岁

Kate Spade 创始人自杀!享年55岁

Kate Spade, one of America's most successful and admired fashion icons, has been found dead in her New York apartment in what police are said to be treating as an apparent suicide.

美国最成功、最受尊敬的时尚偶像之一Kate Spade在她的纽约寓所被发现死亡,警方称很明显,这是自杀。

Reports said she had been found by her housekeeper, who then alerted officers.


A note was said to have been recovered from the scene.


“Upon arrival, officers discovered a 55-year-old female unconscious and unresponsive,” the New York Police Department said in a statement, adding she was pronounced dead at 10.26 am.


The Times said Spade's husband was at the scene.



A police spokesman did not know the whereabouts of her 13-year-old daughter.



“Emergency medical services responded and pronounced the aided female deceased.


The Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death and the investigation is ongoing.”


Spade, whose original company was bought last year by Coach for $2.4bn, created a fashion sensation in the 1990s, with a line of iconic handbags that became almost ubiquitous.


At one point, she had more than 140 retail shops in the US and 175 around the world.


She studied at Arizona State University.


Fans and members of the fashion industry were quick to post tributes on social media as news of her death on Tuesday spread.


PREMME co-founder Nicolette Mason said: “Heartbroken to hear about Kate Spade.

PREMME的联合创始人Nicolette Mason说:“听到Kate Spade的事,我很伤心。

I hope she can be remembered for her legacy of creating a world of whimsy and making simple things feel special and beautiful.


If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health, please know you don't have to do it alone .”


Chelsea Clinton wrote: “My grandmother gave me my first Kate Spade bag when I was in college. I still have it.”

Chelsea Clinton写道:“上大学的时候,我祖母给了我第一个Kate Spade包。我还拥有着它。”

Spade met her husband, Andy Spade, in 1986 while she was working at the fashion magazine Mademoiselle in Manhattan.

1986年,Spade在曼哈顿的时尚杂志《Mademoiselle》工作时遇到了她的丈夫Andy Spade。

Together, they were featured in the magazine as part of a photo story on couples in love.


In 1999, she told the Boston Globe the image she was seeking was something that was both “timeless” and “more personal, less serious”.


She said she wanted her bags to “assume the personality of the wearer, not the reverse”.


A spokeswoman for Kate Spade New York said in a statement that “while Kate has not been affiliated with the brand for more than a decade, she and her husband and creative partner, Andy, were the founders of our beloved brand”.[/en

Kate Spade New York的一位女发言人在一份声明中说,“虽然Kate已经有十多年没有加入这个品牌了,但她和她的丈夫、创意合作伙伴安迪是我们深爱的品牌的创始人。”

[en]It added: “Kate will be dearly missed. Our thoughts are with Andy and the entire Spade family at this time.”



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