


Emma Watson was transformed into the beautiful Meg March as she joined Saoirse Ronan to film the Little Women remake in snowy Harvard on Monday.

周一在下雪的哈佛,艾玛·沃特森将会和西尔莎·罗南一同出演了翻拍电影《小妇人》,她在里面饰演漂亮的Meg March。

The 28-year-old Harry Potter star was all wrapped up in period costume to film the lavish adaptation of the 19th Century novel.



Meanwhile Saoirse, 24, also got into character as the bookish Jo March, sporting the classic Victorian attire as they filmed on location in Boston.

与此同时,24岁的西尔莎饰演的是书呆子Jo March。她穿着典型的维多利亚时期的服装,在波士顿拍摄。

In 1994, Winona Ryder starred in another remake as Josephine March, a young women who dreams of becoming a successful author.

1994年,Winona Ryder在另外一部翻拍电影中,重塑了Josephine March一个年轻女性想要成为一名成功的作家的形象。

And in 2017, The BBC aired a miniseries version of the novel which featured Michael Gambon and Angela Lansbury.

2017年BBC出品的小说迷你剧版则是由Michael Gambon和Angela Lansbury出演。

Saoirse and Emma will star alongside Florence Pugh, Timothée Chalamet, and Meryl Streep in the latest box office offering which is slated for release on Christmas Day 2019.


It will be directed by Greta Gerwig, who earned much critical acclaim last year for her work on the coming of age film Lady Bird, which also earned Saiorse an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress.

该影片的导演是Greta Gerwig,去年因执导《伯德小姐》而名声大噪,而且西尔莎凭借该影片获得了最佳女演员的提名。

Emma's role was originally intended for Emma Stone, according to Variety, who reported that she was unable to commit to the role, as she is currently working on The Favourite.




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