


除了常用的hope,want,wish 和long以及if only 都可以用来表示“希望和愿望”。你对这几个词熟悉吗?快来检验一下吧。

I want your promise.

Want something /someone意为“想要某物,想见某人”,也可用于被动结构,比如:


We want your opinion/promise.我们希望听到你的意见(得到你的承诺)。

I want a few words with you. 我想和你说几句话。

If you ever want me, come to me for assistance. 如果你需要我,就来找我帮忙吧。

What on earth did you want with me? 你究竟想和我干什么?

What is it you want from him? 你想从他那儿得到什么?

You are wanted on the telephone/by telephone.有电话找你。

You’re wanted in the office. 你需要到办公室去。

I don’t wish to leave my mother.

Wish to do something 相当于want to do something或hope to do something意为“愿意,希望做某事”,这里用来表示自己的主观愿望,希望得到别人理解及支持,例如:But I wish to remain here.但我愿意留在这儿。

I do not wish to be disturbed in my work. 我工作时不愿受到打扰。

I wish once again to express our warmest welcome to you. 我愿意再次表示对你的诚挚欢迎。

I wish to speak to you. 我有话和你说。

I wish you to stay here.

Wish someone. to do something 相当于want someone to do something 或would like someone to do something,例如:

I wish you to stay here. 我希望你留在这儿。

I do wish my son to accept the post. 我确实希望我儿子接受这个职位。

They wished me to call on you. 他们希望我拜访你。

We don’t wish the subject to be raised again. 我们不希望这个问题再次被提出。

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