Most boys usually nod sleepily over their books on blue Mondays. 许多男孩子在周末尽情地玩耍,而到了星期一却哈欠连天,提不起精神来。
Housewives sometimes wish they could sleep through blue Monday. 度过了劳累的周末之后,家庭主妇们盼着在人们开始新的一周工作的星期一好好睡上一天。
英、美人对蓝色一直没有好感,故而一些用blue一词组成的短语总是同情绪不佳或忧思关联,意为:very angry or upset,汉语的含义为“气恼,沮丧”。不过在具体翻译时还应注意尽量译出其活泼俏皮的内涵。
例句:Tom argued with Bill untill he was blue in the face. 汤姆同比尔吵得面红耳赤。
而blue music则指的是发源于美国乡村表达下层劳动人民忧思愁绪的乐曲。而与此相关的又出现了这样一条短语:sing the blues。
Some husbands always sing the blues about how much housework their wives leave with them. 一些丈夫总是抱怨老婆留给他们的家务活太多。