A I think I’ll take the subway.
A 我想我会乘坐地铁去。
B Ok. It might be quicker than a taxi, especially in the rush hour traffic.
B 好的。这可能比坐出租车去,尤其是那时是高峰时间。
A And how much is the ticket?
A 还有地铁票是多少钱?
B It’s the same price for one stop or ten stops. It doesn’t matter how far you are going.
B 坐一站和十站都是一样的价钱。你乘坐多远都是一样的价钱。
记住这种比较事物的说法, 例如:
The subway might be quicker than a taxi / 乘坐地铁比乘坐出租车更快。
The subway will be cheaper than a taxi.
The subway might be quicker than a taxi.
A taxi will be more comfortable than the bus.
The bus will be slower than the subway.