A One thing I like about Beijing is the number of taxis here.
A 到处都是出租车是我很喜欢北京的一点。
B You think there’s more taxis in Beijing than London?
B 你认为北京的出租车比伦敦还多?
A Oh, yes. Definitely. It’s easier to get a taxi here than in London.
A 哦,是的。却对。这里比在伦敦坐出租车方便多了。
B Yes, I guess it’s easy to get a taxi in Beijing.
B 是的,我猜在北京坐出租车是很简单。
记住如何比较事物, 例如:
It’s easier to get a taxi in Beijing than in London / 在北京捷出租车比在伦敦容易多了。
Taxis are easier to find in Beijing than New York.
Taxis in London are more expensive than Beijing.
Taxis in Beijing are cheaper.