





There are good reasons 1   to be troubled [by the violence] (that spreads [throughout] the media.) Movies, television and video games are full of gunplay 2 and bloodshed 3, and one might [reasonably] ask what’s wrong [with a society] (that presents videos of domestic violence ent>.)


注:1. good reasons有理由,常用在表达肯定的句式中。例:

Even so, there are good reasons to think that public disappointment will not boil over.


[boil over沸腾溢出,发怒。选自:ECONOMIST: War in Libya]

2. gunplay n.(美)枪战;射击技巧。一个普通名词,给大家准备几个常用的词组。

a gunplay花园抢战

gunplay and bloodshed枪战和血腥

fisticuffs and gunplay打斗和枪战

3. bloodshed n. 流血;杀戮。例:

The government must increase the pace of reforms to avoid further bloodshed.


So these people are quite used to a lot of fighting and a lot of bloodshed.


[选自:CNN: A rare view from inside Afghanistan]

Most researchers agree that the causes (of real-world violence) are complex. A 1993 study [by the U.S. National Academy] (of Sciences) listed “biological 1, individual, family, peer 2  , school, and community factors” .


注:1. biological adj. 生物的;生物学的

The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes.


Biological agents are not volatile, that is they do not evaporate into the air.


[选自:CNN: David Siegrist: The threat from biological terrorism]

2. peer vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视  

vt. 封为贵族;与…同等

n. 贵族;同等的人,同辈。例:

I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all.


His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.


海外留学生很喜欢说同学、朋友很优秀,给自己带来了压力,这种就是peer pressure。例:

The phrase "peer pressure" is used to describe the influence a peer group can exert on a teen's decisions.


[选自:CNN: 'Glee' sends wrong message on teen sex]

Viewing abnormally large amounts of violent television and video games may [well] contribute to violent behavior [in certain individuals]. The trouble comes [when researchers downplay 1 uncertainties [in their studies] or overstate 2 the case [for causality].] Skeptics 3   were dismayed 4 [several years ago] [when a group of societies [including the American Medical Association] tried to end the debate [by issuing a joint 5 statement: “[At this time], well over 1,000 studies… point [overwhelmingly] to a causal connection (between media violence and aggressive behavior) [in some children]].”]


注:1. downplay vt. 不予重视;将...轻描淡写。例:

Police sources yesterday downplayed the significance of the security breach.


But he appeared to downplay the seriousness of the attack, describing it as a minor incident.


[选自:BBC: Skirmish on Thai-Cambodia border]

2. overstate vt. 夸张;夸大的叙述。例:

The authors no doubt overstated their case with a view to catching the public's attention.


Because it's hard to overstate the impact that he had on all of our lives.


[选自:MSN: 'End of an era': Apple co-founder Steve Jobs remembered]

3. skeptic n. 怀疑论者;怀疑者;无神论者

Thomas, the skeptic, was a believer.



But now let me explain why you should not be a skeptic, at least not any longer.


[选自:WSJ: Richard A. Muller: The Case Against Global-Warming Skepticism]

4. dismay n. 沮丧,灰心;惊慌  vt. 使沮丧;使惊慌。例:

Local politicians have reacted with dismay and indignation.


The committee was dismayed by what it had been told.


Not all state officials were dismayed by the possibility of broad-based cuts in federal aid.


[选自:NPR: Debt Ceiling Fix Could Mean Problems For States]

5. joint n. 关节;接缝;接合处,接合点;(牛,羊等的腿)大块肉

adj. 共同的;连接的;联合的,合办的

vt. 连接,贴合;接合;使有接头

vi. 贴合;生节。Joint在原文中指联合,发表了联合声明,而经济方面则惯用合资企业。例:

Her joints ache if she exercises.


She and Frank had never got around to opening a joint account.



It's unclear when the plant, a joint venture of Toyota and Panasonic, will start running again.


[选自:MSN: Quake shows weak link in global supply chains]

(Freedom-of-speech) advocates accused the societies (of catering to 1 politicians), and [even] disputed 2 the number of studies [most] were review articles and essays, they said. [When Jonathan Freedman, {a social psychologist at the University of Toronto}, reviewed the literature,] he found [only] 200 or so studies (of television-watching and aggression 3  ). And [when he weeded out 4 “the most doubtful measures of aggression”,] only 28% supported a connection.


注:1. cater to 迎合;为…服务;设法适应(…的需要);迎合(…的爱好)。例:

TV programmes should cater to all tastes.


The Aakash would cater to many more people, but it is not for sale yet.


[选自:CNN: Announcing the $49 computer tablet][tablet平板电脑,一般苹果的平板电脑倾向用pad。]

2. dispute vt. 辩论;怀疑;阻止;抗拒

vi. 争论


in dispute在争议中;处于争议中;争议中;在争论中

dispute about争论;辩论

labour dispute劳资争议;劳资纠纷;劳动争议。例:

He disputed the allegations.


They have won previous pay disputes with the government.


Now, that's just the fact, Mike, and I don't think anybody would dispute that.


[选自:WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference]

3. aggression n. 侵略;进攻;侵犯;侵害。在文中,该词偏向于中文语境下的暴力之意。例:

The imperialists use this ideology and culture as a lever for easily realizing their domination and subjugation, aggression and plunder of other countries.


Almost all correctly answered that running from a bear can trigger aggression in the animal.


[选自:NPR: After Attacks, A Renewed Focus On Bear Safety][句子中answer作动词,不要想当然觉得是正确的回答而把answer理解为名词了。]

4. weed out 清除;淘汰;除去。例:

He is eager to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.


But they could not weed out what those factors might be.


[选自:MSN: Risk factors for autism remain elusive: study]

The critical point here is causality. The alarmists 1   say they have proved that violent media cause aggression. But the assumptions (behind their observations) need to be examined. [When labeling 2 games as violent or non-violent], should a hero eating a ghost [really] be counted  3   a violent event>? And [when experimenters record the time (it takes game players [to read “aggressive” or “non-aggressive” words] [from a list],)] can we be sure what they are [actually] measuring? The intent 4   (of the new Harvard Center) [on Media and Child Health] [to collect and standardize studies (of media violence)] [in order to compare their methodologies 5], assumptions and conclusions is an important step [in the right direction].


注:1. alarmist n. 杞人忧天者;大惊小怪者

adj. 危言耸听的;忧虑的。例:

Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die.



According to alarmist groups, this proves global warming is much worse than previously feared.


[选自:FORBES: Ten Years And Counting: Where's The Global Warming?]

2. labeling n. 标签;标记;[计] 标号

v. 贴标签;分类(label的现在分词)。例:

Their biggest advantage for agencies is that they offer private labeling of their technology, so you can offer your own testing solution to your clients.


But inevitability is merely an illusory label we impose on that which has already happened.


[选自:CNN: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945)]

3. be counted as 被看作。例:

Singapore can nonetheless be counted as another Asian neighbour increasingly in China’s economic sphere of influence.


Of course, it's not counted as capital expenditure, so Mr Brown has fiddled the figures.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Your Comments]

4. intent n. 意图;目的;含义

adj. 专心的;急切的;坚决的。例:

The timing of this strong statement of intent on arms control is crucial.


The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure.


As a result, Robert is intent on perfecting a method for healing burn victims.


[选自:CNN: Review: 'The Skin I Live In' is skillful and intriguing]

5. methodology n. 方法学,方法论。

survey methodology社会统计调查;测量方法学;调查方法;进行调研方法

sociological Methodology社会学方法论;社会学方法

research Methodology研究方法;研究方法论;研究方法学;查找资料方法。例:

Teaching methodologies vary according to the topic.


We have to change the methodology by which we try to understand the universe.


[选自:MSN: Is there anything to the 'Theory of Everything'?]

Another appropriate step would be to tone down the criticism [until we know [more].] Several researchers write, speak and testify 1   [quite a lot] [on the threat] (posed by violence in the media). That is, ^of course^, their privilege 2. But [when doing so,] they [often] come out [with statements] {that the matter has [now] been settled,} [drawing criticism from colleagues].) ^In response 3^, the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters (of being deceived by the entertainment industry). Such clashes 4   help neither science nor society.


注:1. testify vt. 证明,证实;作证

vi. 作证;证明。

testify falsely作伪证

to testify作证;证明

criminal Testify刑事见证。例:

Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face.


In the end Clinton chose to stick with his plan to testify next Monday.


[选自:CNN: Over To You, Bill]

2. privilege n. 特权;优待;基本权利

vt. 给与…特权;特免。例:

The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.


I've had the privilege and honor to work for him, spend time with him.


[选自:NPR: Bradley Replaces Paterno As Penn State Coach]

3. in response 作为回答。其后往往接介词to。例:

But with coevolution-change changing in response to itself-you can win without beating others.


Where we may actually feel their pain and sing words of encouragement in response.


[选自:FORBES: My Body Sings The Social Electric: Health In The Age of Trillions]

4. clash n. 冲突,不协调;碰撞声,铿锵声

vi. 冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声

vt. 使碰撞作声。例:

There have been a number of clashes between police in riot gear and demonstrators.


Don't make any policy decisions which clash with official company thinking.


Today sees the big clash of ideas that this election has been waiting for.


[选自:BBC: The Campaign Today with Nick Robinson]

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