



1) She is at the edge of her rope.
NOTE1: 注意at的[t]失去爆破。
NOTE2: It means that she is at the end of her wits.

2) She is down in the dumps.
NOTE1: 注意down的[au]音,dumps的意思是“抑郁”;
NOTE2: It means that she is so depressed.


Here is a story:

It has been two months since their first date. She has been feeling very well, but during this whole week, she didn't receive his call at all. She is a bit down in the dumps. What has happened? Why didn't he call me? Has he got a new girlfriend? No, he is such a gentleman that nobody thinks that he is a playboy. After thinking about this, she decided to call him. Unfortunately, he was power off. Now she is really at the end of her rope.

1) She is at the edge of her rope. 她无计可施了。
2) She is down in the dumps. 她很沮丧。


Here are three situations:

S1. He is a naughty boy and he never listens to his parents. He is out of his parents' control. What can his parents do now?

S2. He didn't do well in his work and was scolded by his boss. What was his feeling then?

S3. The wife tries to comfort her husband, but whatever she says cannot make him happy. He is still pulling a long face without saying a word. What can his wife do then?

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