
英语畅谈青春文化50主题 (50 topics on youth culture)

英语畅谈青春文化50主题 (50 topics on youth culture)

1. Metrosexual都市美男

A:Have you noticed, men these days are becoming more and more interested in how they look? Some of my male friends and co-workers use moisturizers and makeup every day, some even wear jewelry! Every time I come near them I get a whiff of their cologne.

B:I know what you mean! Men in today’s society are definitely starting to care more and more about their own image. Some men spend as much time and money on their appearance as most women do—a few even go to beauty salons and get plastic surgery. I’ve heard that now, one out of every ten people who get plastic surgery is male.

A:It’s an interesting phenomenon. Traditionally, women are the ones who are supposed to care most about beauty, but people’s values are changing these days, especially in the big cities. A few years earlier, if a man showed he cared about his appearance or clothes, he would be told he was being too feminine, or acting like a girl. But now, plenty of men would willingly describe themselves as “metrosexual”—it doesn’t have a negative connotation.

B:I think this has a lot to do with mass media. Many celebrities, especially in the movie industry, are so-called “pretty boys.” They are admired and idolized by the public, and many young men want to imitate their clothes and fashions, which is one of the reasons for the “pretty boy” phenomenon in society at large. In reality, whether or not you’re a celebrity, a well-groomed appearance can raise your self-confidence and help you make a good impression on other people.

A:True! I think another reason that men are paying more attention to their appearance is that they’ve realized that women are paying attention to men’s appearance! A man who makes an effort to look his best is more likely to win the approval of the opposite gender. Also, many women appreciate a man who doesn’t roll his eyes as soon as she mentions anything having to do with fashion.

B:Yeah, I think it’s related to the fact that the position of women in society is continuously rising, and they are becoming more and more particular when it comes to choosing a partner. Women have always been more interested in men who are physically handsome in addition to being responsible and economically secure, but now that women can be more selective, men have to work harder to prove themselves the ideal partner. Men are realizing that it pays to be considerate, attentive and well-dressed.

A:So whereas before, women dressed up in order to attract men, nowadays men are also dressing up to attract women. Men and women really are becoming more and more equal in society!








2. Tomboys中性美女

A:Some of my girlfriends have an unusual style. They have short hair, they only wear T-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes, and they never wear makeup. I think if I didn’t know them I wouldn’t be able to tell that they were girls!

B:There are a lot of girls like that, but I think they’re still really cute. Their style has a nice casual and confident feeling; it looks very natural.

A:Some of them even talk different than other girls; their voices are kind of throaty, low alto quality rather than high?pitched.

B:There are definitely girls who project a more masculine attitude. One good example of this kind of “tomboy” is the 2005 Super Girl contest winner, Li Yuchun. To tell you the truth, the first time I saw her on TV, I couldn’t tell she was a girl, but the more I watched the more I liked her style. By the end, I was a dedicated fan.

A:That’s true, Li Yuchun has tons of fans even though she doesn’t fit the traditional Chinese ideal of female beauty. Tomboys like her defy the idea that women have to be gentle, tender, sweet, and cute in order to be pretty.

B:Tomboys can be graceful and feminine, too, though—it’s just a different way of expressing yourself. Some people think girls with a more androgynous style are just sloppy or lazy, but many of them care just as much about their appearance as other girls. Also, just because she’s a tomboy doesn’t mean a girl isn’t well-mannered or polite.

A:I think that this trend toward a more androgynous style for women doesn’t just reflect the change of beauty standards and changing fashion trends, it’s also an expression of individuality.

B:You could even say that tomboys are an example of the independence and strength of modern women.

A:I think so. This more androgynous form of beauty is really in style these days; fashion designers have started coming out with more androgynous clothes and accessories, and it’s becoming a hot trend.

B:But even though this trend is becoming more and more popular, sometimes people make assumptions about other people’s personalities based on the type of clothes they wear, but in my experience tomboys aren’t any different from girls with a more traditionally feminine style. You can be down to earth, outgoing and attractive to the opposite sex regardless of whether you wouldn’t dream of wearing a skirt or you wear a skirt every day.

A:Yeah, in my opinon it’s great that girls these days have more freedom to dress however they want and still look cool.












3. Lightning Marriage闪婚

A:I went to a friend’s wedding yesterday. I was so happy for them—the bride and the groom looked like a match made in heaven. But I almost couldn’t believe it was happening because they only met 3 months ago, and now they’re married!

B:I think this kind of situation is becoming more widespread. I’ve heard there’s even a new word for it: “lightning marriage.” You know, like getting married as fast as a bolt of lightning. As far as these lightning marriages go, a relationship of three months is considered comparatively long, I heard about some people who only knew each other for seven hours before they got married!

A:This is really an era that requires speed and stresses efficiency! Even relationships and marriage aren’t exceptions. Do you think these “lightning marriages” can be happy and fulfilling?

B:I think “lightning marriages” are really interesting. If it was love at first sight for two people and they got married immediately, it would definitely be exciting, and after marriage their lives would be full of a sense of mystery and newness. Besides this, “lighting marriages” also have a great advantage: they can save the cost, including saving time and money.

A:I certainly believe that falling in love is something that can happen in the blink of an eye, but married life requires long-lasting, steady love. So I think “lightning marriages” seem like a big gamble. They’re turning love into a game.

B:On the other hand, there are a lot of people who have been in very long term relationships, but in the end, because they waited so long, their relationship loses the passion it had in the beginning and they break up, which is really painful for them both. I think “lightning marriages” are still better than that kind of situation!

A:But if the two people in a “lightning marriage” haven’t known each other very long, and don’t completely understand each other, don’t you think after they get married they’ll have a hard time avoiding conflicts?

B:I think a married couple’s happiness isn’t measured by how long they were together before they got married, so a “lightning marriage” doesn’t have to lead to instability. Any marriage can succeed or fail.

A:I still think it’s too risky; I think these “lightning marriages” will end up in “lightning divorces,” and that’s much worse for the two people than if they hadn’t married at all.

B:It’s true, “lightning marriages” aren’t right for everyone; only those who have courage and the right attitude can take the risk!










B:的确 “闪婚”并不适合每个人,有勇气、而且心态好的人才能尝试!

4. Singles’ Day光棍节

A:Do you know what holiday falls on November 11th?

B:I’ve heard that a lot of young people call this day “Singles’ Day”! But how did it come from?

A:It is said it originated from the early 1990s, when college students first put forward the idea of choosing the day of November 11 (1111) as a day for single people. It became popular and turned into a cultural event on campus even society.

B:Then, How do they celebrate Single’? Day?

A:There are tons of ways to celebrate it! At some universities, student organizations have singles parties, to give single guys and girls an opportunity to meet and stop being single; some people go out singing and drinking, let off steam about being single; and some people go on blind dates looking for suitable partners; some people get together with other single friends to just have a good time. Singles’ Day has also become a holiday even people who aren’t single, on this day lots of people with partners pretend they are single again, together tasting their old single life.

B:That’s really cool! Looks like this holiday is a lot of fun for a lot of people.

A:It is, in China, the number of single people has increased. Before, being “single” had a connotation of being lonely, lonesome, and unloved, but now it is no longer the substitute name for sadness, it means more independence, more freedom and unrestrained way of life.

B:So what you’re saying is, before they were “passively” single, and now they’re “actively” single?

A:Some people are that way, but definitely not all of them. There are still lots of people these days who are sad about being single, and want to escape it somehow, but more and more young people think that marriage isn’t something one has to do, they aren’t looking for partners, and they don’t want to get married. They consider themselves very young at heart, and still have a lot of other things to do.

B:It looks like the economy has developed, society is changing, and people’s values are also changing!

A:In the past many older young people just married for the sake of marriage. But nowadays young people’s ideas about marriage and values have changed. They value intellectual exchange more, and require a common language of communication.

B:Perhaps this trend of singlehood will have a definite negative impact on society! If the number of single people increases, the existence of society and humanity may both be threatened. In some western countries, this trend has already become apparent.

A:Yep! So, some experts say, this kind of lifestyle deserves respect, but shouldn’t be advocated!















A:I haven’t gotten any emails today? That’s so weird! I haven’t even got spam.

B:It makes you uncomfortable, hmm? I’ve been there before. Once, I didn’t get a single text message from anyone all day. I was continuously looking at my cell phone; I even suspected it might be broken. In the end, I didn’t relax until I sent a few text messages to a friend and received a reply.

A:Looks like we’ve become so accustomed to these “disturbances” that if we aren’t disturbed for a whole day, we can’t bear it.

B:Actually, this is a kind of disease, called “information anxiety disorder,” or “infomania.”

A:No way—can it really be possible that sending and receiving emails and text messages too often is a disease?

B:Well it’s not like cancer or anything, but because information and communication technologies have become so highly developed, and so many ways of communicating have accumulated, we have developed a strong need to be “in touch.” Because of this, if we enter into a situation where we’re cut off from information, we won’t be able to sit still and might become anxious and jittery.

A:But in recent years people’s work and life has become inextricably tied to the internet, cell phones, etc. Are you telling me that everyone has this sickness?

B:Generally speaking, extroverts are more prone to it. Because they like to interact with people, they may get addicted to being in constant contact with others through online chatting or text messaging. This can bring them a sense of security and confidence.

A:But couldn’t some introverted people become “infomaniacs” too? I mean, because less outgoing people aren’t as comfortable expressing themselves, so in real life they might get nervous interacting with people face to face, but sending and receiving emails and text messages isn’t the same. They don’t have to immediately reply, so they have enough time to think about it and then answer.

B:That’s a really good point. But the drawbacks are that we increasingly depend on the internet, and I think people’s actual ability to interact face to face will decrease. Maybe at some point in the future, when people meet face to face they won’t say anything; they’ll just use their cell phones or computers to communicate.

A:Ooooo, scary! Looks like high technology is really a double-edged sword! After all, not even the best technology can compensate for our personal shortcomings.












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