It can help you with your pronunciation and let you have the sense you need when you speak English. Furthermore you can have all the practical sentence patterns and vocabularies together. 我的建议是:一本带磁带的情景会话英语手册即是你征服英语口语的最终解决方案而无须再做更多无谓的投资。你可以借助它来攻克发音和培养英语语感。且同时掌握了常用的词汇和句型。 Using it is one of the most important rules which you need to bear in mind.
I never doubt that you can remember ten or more sentences a day, but without using it, it's not yours. And you"ll forget it soon as time goes. 用你所学是一条需要紧记的原则。我不怀疑你一天能记住10条或更多的句子,但不去用它还不是你的。且日久定忘掉。 Writing daily journal or participating in some topic is a good way to practice English. Writing means a lot, I think, because it allows you enough time to think. You won't have this in real situation. I am sure that you can talk whatever you can write. Because the source is the same. 如写日记或参加专题讨论就是训练英语的最好方法。写尤其重要,因为写有足够的时间让你去想。这在真实环境中是不可能有的。能写什么自然就能说什么,因为无论写还是说都是来自大脑。