1. Everyone is subject to the rule of law. 法律面前,人人平等。
2. I'm dumbfounded. 靠,我倒。
3. He’s a real Sphinx. 他喜怒不形于色。
4. I’m a gofer. 我只是个跑腿儿的。
5. I’m not worried. I have a friend at court. 我不担心。我有靠山。
6. You bear all the hallmarks of a playboy. 你具备花花公子的一切特征。
7. I wanted the ground to open up. 我恨不得找个地缝钻下去。
8. That was out of character of her. 依她的个性,她不大可能这么做。
9. It’s blistering heat outside. 外面太热了。
10. I saw you ogling her. 我看见你朝她抛媚眼了。