


Housing 住房问题

dialogue 1
H: my lease ends next month, so I have to find a new place.
M: I feel sorry for you. It's a jungle out there.
H: Do you know any places?
M: well. I guess I can ask around to see if anyone's got a room or apartment available.
H: thank you. I think I should also have a look at the Internet to see if anyone's got a sublet.
M: how much do are you looking to spend?
H: I can only afford about 1,000 yuan a month.
M: looks like you'll have to get a place in the suburbs.
H: it doesn't matter, but it needs to be close to the subway or on a convenient bus route.
M: anything you need to have in the place?
H: I want a bedroom with full bath, and it'll be better if the bedroom is on the sunny side.
M: you can also check out university bulletin boards.
H: why? Will those be students who are leaving?
M: not really, but landlords put up notices to attract students and they often have low rent.
H: thank you. I'll be sure to take a look.
M: good luck.
dialogue 2
H: Monica, I heard you're trying to buy a new house, is that true?
M: yes, but seeing the ever-rising prices, I'm afraid I'll never be able to afford one.
H: oh, that's definitely a problem for most of us wage-earners.
M: houses are ridiculously expensive these days.
H: what about second-hand houses?
M: I've been looking but they're not much cheaper and I don't think it's worth all the problems of an older house.
H: do you think the government will take some steps to cool down the overheated real estate market?
M: maybe. But I don't think it will make any difference. The demand is too high.
H: so what's your budget like?
M: I'm thinking between 3,000 yuan and 7,000 yuan per square meter.
H: oh, I see. In that case, you need to wait a while.
M: but I'm afraid it will go from bad to worse. I can't help being worried.
H: take it easy. I heard there may be a "bubble" in the real estate market.
M: you mean it will burst sooner or later.
H: yes, the house prices have already gone down in Shenzhen and Shanghai.
M: that's true. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.

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