It's widely understood but seldom said: Men love women. We do. We love making them laugh. We love the way they dance and the way they walk. But here are 10 things women do that drive us crazy:
1. She Poses Entrapping Questions
"Do I look fat in this?" "Is my friend Claire pretty?" We're all familiar with the questions, and the innocent way girls pose them, putting you between a rock and a hard place.
2. She Holds Grudges
Once you've made the mistake of giving a wrong answer to a loaded question, even if it was years ago, even if you've apologized,you better believe you haven't heard about it for the last time.
3. She Says "Fine"
Gentlemen, we don't know much about women, but one thing we do know is that things are never "fine" when they say things are "fine." What she really means is that things have reached world-ending levels of bad.
4. She Guilts You
If movies, books and television have taught men anything, it's that we'll do anything for a woman we love. Unfortunately, they know this. That's why it's so easy for them to get you to do things you don't want to do.
5. She Expects You To Read Her Mind
Ladies want a man who is attentive and sensitive to their needs. No, girls, sadly we cannot tell when you're hungry or thirsty, and we most definitely can't guess where you'd like to eat -- at least without a little input.
6. She Can't Take A Compliment
They sure suck at taking compliments, at least from the one person whose opinion, in theory, should matter most to them when it comes to their looks: their boyfriend.
7. She Can't Put Her Phone Down
OK, ladies, we get it: your phone is important to you, and parting with it, even for short periods of time, can cause anxiety. But there comes a time when face-to-face contact becomes more importan.
8. She Uses Sex As A Weapon
If you've noticed a pattern in your sex life that goes something like, "When she's even slightly upset with me she seems to be 'too tired,'" there's a good chance they use sex as leverage.
9. She's Chronically Late
There was "time," the universal measure by which the world operated, and then there was "her time," which was usually "time" plus 15 to 30 minutes.
10. She Steals Your Food
Say you're out for dinner and it's time to order dessert. "Honey, I'm going to have the mousse. What would you like?" "Nothing! I'm full!" She'd feel guilty ordering a dessert. Then, when that mousse arrives at the table, you'll be lucky to get even half.