Failure to find a sexual partner is now a DISABILITY says World Health Organisation.
A couple’s inability, or any one of them, to procreate is considered a disorder by the WHO. But WHO is reportedly considering changing this classification and include those individuals who failed to find a sexual partner or don’t have one under the same category of disability。
But this does not sit well with some critics who have expressed doubt on the measure’s possible negative effects. Some say that this drastic measure is ‘absurd nonsense’.
The proposed move of the WHO aimed to recognized everyone’s ‘rights to reproduce’ and to streamline its disease classification system.
英大:世界卫生组织的解释也是那么牛X,好像没有性生活,就没有繁殖的权利了?!! 言归正传,这个“长期没有性生活就是残疾”的残疾人新定义,你中了吗? 追加:@世界卫生组织 辟谣称,正在考虑修订不育的定义,但该定义只是对不育的临床描述,并未就提供生育医疗服务提出任何建议。 所以是……辟谣了~