
欧美女星拍立得写真 拍出她们别样性感的一面

欧美女星拍立得写真 拍出她们别样性感的一面

A fashion photographer who has captured some of the world's most beautiful women in stunning photographs using just a Polaroid camera has published his favourite shots in a new book.


A sultry-looking Angelina poses with a cigarette between her teeth and her midriff exposed in the Polaroid 'tester snap' taken by fashion photographer Sante D'Orazio

性感的安吉莉娜嘴上叼着一根香烟,她的小腹露在宝丽来相机的闪光灯下,这张照片由时尚摄影师Sante D'Orazio.

D'Orazio captures model Christy Turlington writhing on a bed naked - and staring at the camera - during one shoot


D'Orazio says he loves the simplicity of the Polaroid photograph, describing the work as a 'consciously reduced, almost poetic publication.'

D'Orazio说他喜欢宝丽来照片的极简风格,并将他的工作描述为 ‘有意识的进行简化,拍出来的东西几乎都像出版物一般诗意。’

Kate Moss gets to grips with a mountain bike, wearing just a polka dot bikini and trainers in a country house setting; the model is snapped at the height of her fame


D'Orazio has captured some of the world's most famous supermodels including Heidi Klum, left, and Claudia Schiffer, right.


Also in the book are images of actors and rock stars; D'Orazio has shot everyone from Mick Jagger to Johnny Depp and black and white portraits of them appear in the book.


The coffee table book sees an early shot of German beauty Heidi Klum in sexy red lingerie while a black and white Polaroid sees Claudia Schiffer pictured undoing a white lace vest, while staring seductively straight at the camera.


The book's writer, Glenn O'Brien, describes the images as: 'remarkable, unique side products of captured magical moments, which often outshine the actual (final) product.'

这本书的作家格伦•奥布莱恩(Glenn O'Brien)将这些照片描述为:‘在无意间捕捉到的优秀、独特的副产品往往超出实际(最终)产品。’

Herzigova splashes around in a bubble bath in a sunlit bathroom


The book, with text written by Glenn O'Brien, features Polaroids from throughout D'Orazio's career


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