
表现良好英文怎么说 中考重点单词集锦推荐

表现良好英文怎么说 中考重点单词集锦推荐


1.custom风俗;习俗,名词。用法:the custom of doing sth.做某事的习俗。

如,I like the custom of giving presents in this town.

2.bow鞠躬,名词和动词。用法:bow to/before…向……鞠躬。如,The speaker bowed to the audience.

3.greet和……打招呼;迎接,动词。用法:相当于say hello to。如,greet each other 相互问候。


4.relaxed放松的;自在的,形容词。用法:be relaxed about…对……感到放松/随意。是人的感受,常作表语,主语通常是人。

【构词】relax放松;休息;(使)放松,动词。relaxing令人放松的,形容词。多用来说明事物本身具有令人放松的特征,可作定语或表语,常用来修饰或说明事物。如:She felt relaxed after the relaxing holiday.

5.value重视;珍视,动词。用法:value sb./sth/ for…因……而重视某人/某物;value sb./sth. as…把某人/某物珍视为……。如,It’s important to value education today. /I really value her as my friend. 价值,名词。

【构词】valuable 贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的,形容词。

6.noon正午;正午,名词。用法:at noon 在中午。


7.mad很生气;疯的,形容词。用法:be/get mad at/with sb.生某人的气;be/get mad about sth.因某事生气。get mad大动肝火;气愤,强调动作和过程。如,His teacher got mad because he was late again./You’re mad to drive so fast./Don’t be mad with her, please.

8.effort努力;尽力,名词。用法:make an effort 作出努力;make an effort to do sth.努力做某事。

9.chalk粉笔,名词(不可数)。用法:a piece of chalk一根粉笔。



11.knock敲;击,动词。用法:knock at/on the door敲门。如,She knocked on the door, but nobody answered it. knock into…与……相撞;knock down撞倒。敲击声;敲击,名词(可数)。如,There is a knock at the door.



13.worth值得;有……价值(的),形容词。用法:(1)be(well) worth doing sth.(很)值得做某事,句子的主语一般是doing的宾语。worth后面的doing形式表示被动意义。如,The book is(well)worth reading.(2)be worth 钱,值多少钱。如,The bike is worth 20,000 yuan.(3)be worth 名词,值得……。That’s worth or work.

【构词】worthy值得的;值得尊敬的,形容词。be worthy of…/be worthy to be done/do sth.。如,His suggestion is worthy to be considered./Her efforts are worthy of your support.

14.manner方式;方法,名词。用法:常用单数形式,如,I like duck cooked in the Chinese manner. manners,礼貌;礼仪,名词。用法:table manners 餐桌礼仪;good manners 有礼貌;bad manners没有礼貌。

15.exchange交换,名词或动词。用法:an exchange student一名交换生;in exchange for…交换……。Exchange…for…用……交换……。如,Can I exchange an orange for three apples?



17.behave表现;举止,动词。用法:后面常接反身代词,意为“表现良好”。如,Class,please behave yourselves!/He behaved well.


18.except除……之外,介词。用法:后面可接名词、代词、从句等,表示把其后某人或某物从某一范围内排除出去,即不包含在内。如,They go there every day except Saturdays.(周六不去那里)except除了;只是,连词。用法:后面接句子。如,You look like Tom except he is older than you./The house is empty except when we came.

19.gradually逐步地;渐进地;副词。用法:相当于little by little, bit by bit等。如,His health is gradually improving.


20.suggestion建议,名词(可数)。用法:make a suggestion提出建议;at one’s suggestion 根据某人的建议;take one’s suggestion采纳某人的建议。

【构词】suggest建议;提出意见,动词。用法:(1)suggest doing sth.建议做某事。如,she suggests going out for a walk.(2)suggest one/one’s doing sth.建议某人做某事。如,They suggest us taking a walk.(3)suggest 句子,句子中动词用should 动词原形或动词原形。如,They suggest we (should)write four or five words on pieces of paper every day.(4)suggest sth. for sb. to do sth. 建议某事让某人去做。如,She suggests a plan for us to draw up.

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