
会更好的英文怎么说 今日万能公式推荐收藏

会更好的英文怎么说 今日万能公式推荐收藏


主题:路上堵车Got stuck on traffic

A. Perhaps itwouldbe betterif you startedtaking publictransportsystem to work.



B.I think^it‘s something thatI‘ll have to consider.The public transport system is prettygood.

/aɪ/θɪŋk/ɪts/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ðæt/aɪł/hæv/tə/kənˈsɪdɚ/. /ðə/ˈpʌblɪk/ˈtrænspɔrt/ˈsɪstəm/ɪz/ˈprɪdi/ɡʊd/.








A.Perhaps it would bebetter if /you /started taking public transport system/to work.


B.I think /it‘ssomething that /I‘ll have to consider. The public transport system /is /prettygood.



1.it would be better if…如果怎么样将会更好

2.start doing sth. /start to do sth.


万能公式:it would be better if…如果…将会

1.It would be better if you listened to me.

2.It would be better, if she started talking that course.

3.It would be better if you were hard-working.

4.It would be better if you learned English with thinking.

5.It would be better if you prepared some extra clothes for your vacation.

6.It would be better if I started following Mr. Firebird to learn English, I think I can talk freely in English now.

7.It would be better if you read book.【裂变思维→举一反三】

8.Speaking is like playing the piano and riding the bike. it would be better if you do it every day.

9.It would be better if you learned English skills with others from all people around you.

10.It would be better if you work out every day.

11.It would be better if you practice English every day.

12.It would be better if you started listening to my suggestions, you can be better yourself


13.It would be better,if you tried it again when you were in trouble.

14.It would be betterif you study hard. you will have a good / bright future.

15.It would be better if you wrote your diary in English and you would improve your English skill seven faster.

16.It would be good forlosing weight if you work out every day.

17.It would be better if you were relaxed.

18.It would be better if we started studying marketing situation more, we can win ourcompetitors.

19.It would be better If you could do Thai massage for me.

20.It would be better to ask your boss’s opinion first if you made some changes on your program.

21.It would be better to help your parents to do some housework if you wanted to borrow some money fromthem.

22.It would be better if you stopped smoking.

23.It would be better If you thought again for all people.

24.It would be better, if you didn‘t give up when you had difficulties in learning English.

25.It would be betterif you wear make when you go out in pandemic

26.It would be betterIf you could draw that picture.

27.It would be betterif we started moving our factory to a new location, we will get more profit.

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